After reading this, I don't think I would ever want to go to UK :-)
But wait, can't it be true for the USA people as well?
Ram Ram Ram.....Thank God I am flying back to India this weekend. A dip in the holy Ganga will be my first priority when I visit my hometown Varanasi (Banaras) soon after. :-)
PS: I am sure this is not true for Indians, what do you say?
Monday, December 10, 2007
United States Air Force Museum Visit
First let me give you an idea of the kind of weather I am forced to survive here:
This weekend I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force, Dayton, Ohio. Dayton is the city of many scientists. Wright brothers, Neil Armstrong are the most famous among them. I hope the following pictures will give you a virtual visit to the museum:
Rotary Engine of an aircraft:
A Nazi bomber used in WW II:
An aircrft engine:
Camera used to photograph the target from the aircraft:
Three directional bullet firing by the pilot:
Some Nazi weapons:
909 Bomber:
The Wright Brothers:
Entering a giant bomber:
Surrounded by deadly bombs inside a bomber:
The Dream Girl:
Engineering complexity:
Nuclear Bomb:
A Rocket Engine:
Apollo 15:
Standing between giant rockets:
Space food:
Commander Doggy:
These are some of the pictures to give you a glimpse of the museum. All the arcrafts, missiles, rockets are reals and not the models (except commander doggy).
After visiting this museum I got the realization that I am not eligible to call myself an engineer coz the work I do is several light years behind the kind of engineering involved in these things.
This weekend I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force, Dayton, Ohio. Dayton is the city of many scientists. Wright brothers, Neil Armstrong are the most famous among them. I hope the following pictures will give you a virtual visit to the museum:
Rotary Engine of an aircraft:
A Nazi bomber used in WW II:
An aircrft engine:
Camera used to photograph the target from the aircraft:
Three directional bullet firing by the pilot:
Some Nazi weapons:
909 Bomber:
The Wright Brothers:
Entering a giant bomber:
Surrounded by deadly bombs inside a bomber:
The Dream Girl:
Engineering complexity:
Nuclear Bomb:
A Rocket Engine:
Apollo 15:
Standing between giant rockets:
Space food:
Commander Doggy:
These are some of the pictures to give you a glimpse of the museum. All the arcrafts, missiles, rockets are reals and not the models (except commander doggy).
After visiting this museum I got the realization that I am not eligible to call myself an engineer coz the work I do is several light years behind the kind of engineering involved in these things.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Indian Rail - A Nostalgia
I was reading this page when my mind went back in the memory lane about my own observations attached to Indian railways. If observed, the Indian railway stations tell a lot about the history and cultures of the place. Many of the Indian rail stations still have the old buildings, truly the historical monuments.
I will not write much here, will just give some pictures to refresh your own nostalgic memories with Indian railways.
Howrah Junction - Bengali, colonial.
The Charbag station of Lucknow is architecture similar to a palace of a Nawab.
The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai, is built in Gothic-Saracenic style
The 75 years old Thiruvanathapuram station is a pleasant combination of light and steel gray.
Thivim Railway Station (Near Goa)
Shimla Kalka Toy Train
Darjeeling Toy Train
Two kilometers from Darjeeling is the town of Ghoom which is the highest railway station in the world. It also has a monastery and is definitely worth a visit to all those visiting Darjeeling.
I will not write much here, will just give some pictures to refresh your own nostalgic memories with Indian railways.
Howrah Junction - Bengali, colonial.
The Charbag station of Lucknow is architecture similar to a palace of a Nawab.
The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Mumbai, is built in Gothic-Saracenic style
The 75 years old Thiruvanathapuram station is a pleasant combination of light and steel gray.
Thivim Railway Station (Near Goa)
Shimla Kalka Toy Train
Darjeeling Toy Train
Two kilometers from Darjeeling is the town of Ghoom which is the highest railway station in the world. It also has a monastery and is definitely worth a visit to all those visiting Darjeeling.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Among the stars we see in the sky, many of them do not exist any more. Reason: the stars are several thousands of light years away from the earth i.e. it takes several thousands of years for the light from stars to reach the earth. By this time many of those stars are merged to other stars or become cold (lose energy to shine) or simply destroyed.
Likewise, we see many human stars around us. Some star performers in the office, star players, star students, writers, singers or stars in any other field. We got to see whether the star in them actually exists today or is it the light of stardom they had few years back? In many cases they are the dead stars. Out of ignorance, we still consider (or worship?) them as stars.
So the next time when you see a star, think, “Does his/her star-quality actually exist today?”
PS: This is not my original thought. I had read it somewhere long time back. Some incident reminded me of this and I thought of sharing it with you all.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Randomness is the nature of the nature. The nature is balanced by random forces in all the directions. Consider a closed empty box in your room with nothing but air in it. It is kept on your floor. Suddenly if it starts moving up in the space, how would you feel? :-)
We know that the air molecules in the box move randomly in all possible directions and hence neutralize each other’s forces. But what if all the molecules get motivated and become progressive and all start moving up. They will lift the box. Is not it? It will destroy the physical stability of the universe. Thankfully, nature has balanced things by randomness.
Similarly we always complain about various things not happening the way we think they should. We want everything to be progressive, righteous, correct, ethical etc (definition of these terms vary from person to person). Like the left parties and BJP should let the govt. go ahead with the Indo-US nuclear deal, the leftists should allow economic reforms and privatization, there should be no corruption etcetera etcetera. But will not USA start taking us as lightly as it takes to UK if we agree to all their suggestions. I do not know whether this nuclear deal will get through or not, but the domestic opposition has clearly told USA that it is not a charity which we will be glad to accept. Mr. Bush had made it look like a charity that he was offering. But the Indian opposition has clarified that it is a DEAL. Not surprisingly, the US media doesn’t talk about it these days. They are embarrassed.
The Vajpayee govt had a separate disinvestment ministry (first time in our history) headed by Mr. Arun Shoury, whose only job was to privatize the state owned companies. But should it be done mindlessly? Remember at what price did they sell BALCO to the Sterlite group? It was much less than the fair valuation. Also is privatization the only solution for progress? What if the private companies start minting money from the public? Remember Reliance Energy (which supplies power in Mumbai) suddenly increased domestic power cost by 240% a year back? Should not monopolies be checked?
So I believe a strong opposition is the backbone of a strong democracy. Without opposition, countries will become like Pakistan. There should be forces in all the directions to balance the things. That’s democratic way. Sure, democracy runs slower but chances of blunder are very less here.
Regarding corruption, everybody is not corrupt. Also, everybody is not corrupt every time. So it’s balanced too. :-)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
भूख और सोच
सोचकर देखिये, सोच और भूख मैं क्या कोई संबंध है? मुझे लगता है, है, एक अप्रत्यक्ष किन्तु गहरा संबंध है. मैंने इसका अनुभव किया है, और प्रयत्न करके अपने विचार व्यक्त करने का आपसे अनुरोध करता हूँ.
मेरा मस्तिष्क अधिक तीव्र और कुशाग्र होता है जब मैं भूखा होता हूँ. विचारों का प्रवाह तीव्र और स्वचालित हो जाता है. नवप्रवर्तनशील (innovative) और गहरे विचार जन्म लेने लगते हैं. क्या कारण हो सकता है?
भूख संसार की सबसे प्राचीन (old), आवर्ती (periodic) और बुनियादी (basic) समस्या है. मनुष्य और किसी भी समस्या को हल करना टाल या छोड़ सकता है सिवाय भूख के. जब हम भूखे होते हैं समस्त संवेदनाएं और मस्तिष्क जाग्रत हो जाते हैं, जो की और समय में अप्रयुक्त (unused) व सुषुप्तावस्था (sleep mode) में होती हैं. इस जागरण की बेला में यदि कोई नए विचार की चिंगारी प्रगट हो और उसका निर्वाहन (persevere) किया जाये तो हम कुछ नया प्रगट कर सकते हैं. नया स्वयं के लिए या पूरे संसार के लिए, यह आपकी सोच के इतिहास पर निर्भर करता है. शायद यही कारण था कि ऋषि-मुनि भूखे रहकर लम्बे समय तक तप किया करते थे.
निष्कर्ष: भूख के कारण जाग्रत संवेदनाओं और चेतना का उपयोग यदि विचार के लिए किया जाये (जितनी देर संभव हो) तो उत्कृष्ट दर्शन (philosophy) या साहित्य (literature) का जन्म हो सकता है.
मैंने यह भी अनुभव किया है कि मन, भूख के समय में अलग और पेट भर जाने के बाद अलग तरह से सोचता है. भोजन आलस्य प्रदान करता है, शरीर को ही नहीं, मस्तिष्क और संवेदनाओं को भी. आप एक प्रयोग करें. एक कविता या blog लिखना शुरू करिये जब आपको भूख लगी हो. कुछ देर बाद जब विचार आने लगें और कविता बनने लगे, तो उसे वहीं छोड़कर पेट भर स्वादिष्ट खाना खा लीजिये. अब फिर से कविता पूरी करने का प्रयत्न कीजिए. क्या कोई अंतर प्रतीत होता है? कृपया अपना अनुभव हम सब से अवश्य व्यक्त करिये.
Hunger Therapy: I have an idea, all the people who are feeling lazy or dull or out-of-mood should try "Hunger Therapy". Suppose you are feeling dull this evening. Start fasting, don't eat anything until the hunger becomes uncontrollable. I believe the hunger will awaken your senses and remove dullness.
आप विचार करें, मैं अब भोजन करूंगा.
मेरा मस्तिष्क अधिक तीव्र और कुशाग्र होता है जब मैं भूखा होता हूँ. विचारों का प्रवाह तीव्र और स्वचालित हो जाता है. नवप्रवर्तनशील (innovative) और गहरे विचार जन्म लेने लगते हैं. क्या कारण हो सकता है?
भूख संसार की सबसे प्राचीन (old), आवर्ती (periodic) और बुनियादी (basic) समस्या है. मनुष्य और किसी भी समस्या को हल करना टाल या छोड़ सकता है सिवाय भूख के. जब हम भूखे होते हैं समस्त संवेदनाएं और मस्तिष्क जाग्रत हो जाते हैं, जो की और समय में अप्रयुक्त (unused) व सुषुप्तावस्था (sleep mode) में होती हैं. इस जागरण की बेला में यदि कोई नए विचार की चिंगारी प्रगट हो और उसका निर्वाहन (persevere) किया जाये तो हम कुछ नया प्रगट कर सकते हैं. नया स्वयं के लिए या पूरे संसार के लिए, यह आपकी सोच के इतिहास पर निर्भर करता है. शायद यही कारण था कि ऋषि-मुनि भूखे रहकर लम्बे समय तक तप किया करते थे.
निष्कर्ष: भूख के कारण जाग्रत संवेदनाओं और चेतना का उपयोग यदि विचार के लिए किया जाये (जितनी देर संभव हो) तो उत्कृष्ट दर्शन (philosophy) या साहित्य (literature) का जन्म हो सकता है.
मैंने यह भी अनुभव किया है कि मन, भूख के समय में अलग और पेट भर जाने के बाद अलग तरह से सोचता है. भोजन आलस्य प्रदान करता है, शरीर को ही नहीं, मस्तिष्क और संवेदनाओं को भी. आप एक प्रयोग करें. एक कविता या blog लिखना शुरू करिये जब आपको भूख लगी हो. कुछ देर बाद जब विचार आने लगें और कविता बनने लगे, तो उसे वहीं छोड़कर पेट भर स्वादिष्ट खाना खा लीजिये. अब फिर से कविता पूरी करने का प्रयत्न कीजिए. क्या कोई अंतर प्रतीत होता है? कृपया अपना अनुभव हम सब से अवश्य व्यक्त करिये.
Hunger Therapy: I have an idea, all the people who are feeling lazy or dull or out-of-mood should try "Hunger Therapy". Suppose you are feeling dull this evening. Start fasting, don't eat anything until the hunger becomes uncontrollable. I believe the hunger will awaken your senses and remove dullness.
आप विचार करें, मैं अब भोजन करूंगा.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Understanding Indian Politics
Almost every educated and civilized person believes that democracy is the best way for progress of a country. I am no different. But, I think, pure democracy at all levels will lead to a chaos and ego clashes. Because, democracy makes every person equal, and if everybody is equal, there won’t be any leaders. I will take examples of Indian politics. By all means India is democratic. Ideally our political parties should be democratic too i.e. their leader should be ELECTED by the party members, and it happens; only the elected member belongs to the same family of the previous leader.
Axiom: Only a blood relative of a big political leader has the ability to become a big politician in India.
• Congress has the most powerful family at helm. That’s why this party has ruled India the maximum.
• Whereas when we see the other parties, they came into power riding high on the public image of somebody but vanished soon after. Janta Party came into power because of JP (Jayaprakash Narayan), but since JP did not have any scion to take the mantle from him, Janta Party disappeared.
• Similarly BJP came to power because of Vajpayee, but sadly he is a bachelor. :-) So no question of son/daughter taking the responsibility. Today, everybody in BJP is equally big leader and there is no super leader to lead them. That’s causing it’s downfall.
• The sons of Karunadhi are the strong contenders for the crown of Tamilnadu. I can predict the downfall of AIADMK after Jayalalitha if she remains unmarried. :-)
• The sons of Deve Gawda are the most likely for chief ministership of Karnataka in future.
• Sons of Mulayam Singh Yadav are ready to take the UP battle from him. Poor Mayawati, she is still unmarried.
So, an engineer can not certainly produce (biologically) an engineer, same is true for a doctor, scientist, cricketer and so on. But only a big politician can produce a successful politician in India. The world’s biggest democracy is run by monarchs, literally.
Well, this is strange and seems wrong from an idealistic point of view, but it works that way in Indian politics. So the future India will more likely be led by the sons/daughters of Sonia Gandhi, Bal Thackarey, Mulayam, Karunanidhi, Chautala, Narendra Modi…..and so on.
Similarly, there are companies in western countries owned by professionals, but traditionally India has had family owned businesses (the TATAs, Birlas, Godrej, Bajaj, and so on). The globalization has given us the professionally owned companies like L&T and Infosys. But still, till today majority of Indian businesses are owned (or controlled) by families.
Conclusion: Family owned political parties and businesses are most suitable and stable for Indian conditions.
* And Gandhis will rule here generation after generation.
Axiom: Only a blood relative of a big political leader has the ability to become a big politician in India.
• Congress has the most powerful family at helm. That’s why this party has ruled India the maximum.
• Whereas when we see the other parties, they came into power riding high on the public image of somebody but vanished soon after. Janta Party came into power because of JP (Jayaprakash Narayan), but since JP did not have any scion to take the mantle from him, Janta Party disappeared.
• Similarly BJP came to power because of Vajpayee, but sadly he is a bachelor. :-) So no question of son/daughter taking the responsibility. Today, everybody in BJP is equally big leader and there is no super leader to lead them. That’s causing it’s downfall.
• The sons of Karunadhi are the strong contenders for the crown of Tamilnadu. I can predict the downfall of AIADMK after Jayalalitha if she remains unmarried. :-)
• The sons of Deve Gawda are the most likely for chief ministership of Karnataka in future.
• Sons of Mulayam Singh Yadav are ready to take the UP battle from him. Poor Mayawati, she is still unmarried.
So, an engineer can not certainly produce (biologically) an engineer, same is true for a doctor, scientist, cricketer and so on. But only a big politician can produce a successful politician in India. The world’s biggest democracy is run by monarchs, literally.
Well, this is strange and seems wrong from an idealistic point of view, but it works that way in Indian politics. So the future India will more likely be led by the sons/daughters of Sonia Gandhi, Bal Thackarey, Mulayam, Karunanidhi, Chautala, Narendra Modi…..and so on.
Similarly, there are companies in western countries owned by professionals, but traditionally India has had family owned businesses (the TATAs, Birlas, Godrej, Bajaj, and so on). The globalization has given us the professionally owned companies like L&T and Infosys. But still, till today majority of Indian businesses are owned (or controlled) by families.
Conclusion: Family owned political parties and businesses are most suitable and stable for Indian conditions.
* And Gandhis will rule here generation after generation.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Diwali - Missing Home
Sitting here in USA on the eve of Diwali, this poem of Dr. Rajeev K. Saxena best describes my feelings.
Thanks Dr. Saxena.
Very Happy Diwali to all the guests at this page. Please enjoy extra on by behalf.
Thanks Dr. Saxena.
Very Happy Diwali to all the guests at this page. Please enjoy extra on by behalf.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
कौन हो तुम
कौन हो तुम,
कौन हो तुम रात की जो
नींद को हमसे चुराकर
याद का आकार लेकर
तब हमारे पास आकर
कल्पना की सतह पर तब
भाव को आकार देती
भाव निर्मित चित्र में
बहु रंग की बरसात करती
स्नेह सागर की लहर में
ज्वार का वरदान बनोगी?
प्रेम की ताकत मुझे दे
क्या मेरी पहचान बनोगी?
कौन हो तुम,
कौन हो तुम हृदय की जो
अनकही कहने लगी हो
स्वप्न में आती नहीं तुम
स्वप्न में रहने लगी हो
विरह की यह वेदना जब
हृदय तल को बेध जाती
याद की खिड़की खुली
औ तुम खड़ी हो मुस्कुराती
इस अधूरी कविता का क्या
तुम ही पूर्णविराम बनोगी?
अपने दिल की बात छुपाकर
क्या अब भी अनजान बनोगी?
कौन हो तुम रात की जो
नींद को हमसे चुराकर
याद का आकार लेकर
तब हमारे पास आकर
कल्पना की सतह पर तब
भाव को आकार देती
भाव निर्मित चित्र में
बहु रंग की बरसात करती
स्नेह सागर की लहर में
ज्वार का वरदान बनोगी?
प्रेम की ताकत मुझे दे
क्या मेरी पहचान बनोगी?
कौन हो तुम,
कौन हो तुम हृदय की जो
अनकही कहने लगी हो
स्वप्न में आती नहीं तुम
स्वप्न में रहने लगी हो
विरह की यह वेदना जब
हृदय तल को बेध जाती
याद की खिड़की खुली
औ तुम खड़ी हो मुस्कुराती
इस अधूरी कविता का क्या
तुम ही पूर्णविराम बनोगी?
अपने दिल की बात छुपाकर
क्या अब भी अनजान बनोगी?
Friday, November 2, 2007
Love - Another Dimension
To love a woman for her virtues is meaningless. She's earned it, it's a payment, not a gift. But to love her for her vices is a real gift, unearned and undeserved. To love her for her vices is to defile all virtues for her sake -- and that is a real tribute of love, because you sacrifice your conscience, your reason, your integrity and your self-esteem.
What is love, if it is not self-sacrifice?
----Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged"
What is love, if it is not self-sacrifice?
----Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged"
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
My idea about NRIs was, since they live out of their motherland, they would be very nostalgic about their country of origin. I used to think that the urge for money was the only strong reason for the several lakhs of NRIs to live in the prosperous countries, and they all would like to return to their motherland someday. Alas! I was so wrong. Here I would talk about the NRIs in Detroit USA, which perhaps can be generalized.
I got to attend the marriage ceremony of one of my relative’s daughter. They are settled here in Detroit since the last 40 year. On this occasion I met many NRI families and talked to them about their views and emotions for India. I will now share my inferences:
The 1st generation of NRI has an identity problem. Though he is settled here since many years, he is still at least 40 % Indian. How do I know it? Talk to some Bengali, Bihari, Tamil guy. You will notice the very unique accent of the place of their birth.
Not only the accent, the thought and behavior is also very much the same. E.g. In India we know the typical characteristics of a Bihari, a Tamilian and so on. From behavior of a 1st generation NRI, one can know in which part of India was he born and brought up. So I conclude, the 1st generation NRI has a divided identity, he may be an American among Indians but he is Indian among Americans.
The second generation who were born and brought up in USA, are no at all NRIs. I am sad that the govt of India tries to give duel citizenship to these people. They may be called Rahul or Vineeta or Surabhi or anything meaning something in Hindi. But nothing else is “Indian” in them. I request the people and govt of India, please do not call the kids of NRIs as NRIs. They are not.
PS: These are general observations and as always, there will be exceptions, but not many I think.
I got to attend the marriage ceremony of one of my relative’s daughter. They are settled here in Detroit since the last 40 year. On this occasion I met many NRI families and talked to them about their views and emotions for India. I will now share my inferences:
The 1st generation of NRI has an identity problem. Though he is settled here since many years, he is still at least 40 % Indian. How do I know it? Talk to some Bengali, Bihari, Tamil guy. You will notice the very unique accent of the place of their birth.
Not only the accent, the thought and behavior is also very much the same. E.g. In India we know the typical characteristics of a Bihari, a Tamilian and so on. From behavior of a 1st generation NRI, one can know in which part of India was he born and brought up. So I conclude, the 1st generation NRI has a divided identity, he may be an American among Indians but he is Indian among Americans.
The second generation who were born and brought up in USA, are no at all NRIs. I am sad that the govt of India tries to give duel citizenship to these people. They may be called Rahul or Vineeta or Surabhi or anything meaning something in Hindi. But nothing else is “Indian” in them. I request the people and govt of India, please do not call the kids of NRIs as NRIs. They are not.
PS: These are general observations and as always, there will be exceptions, but not many I think.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Mindless Research
I was just browsing the website of my engineering institute and happened to see the “Professional Resume” of one of the professors. He claimed to have 51 technical publications. The document listed the titles of his research thesis, papers published, the lectures delivered at national/international conferences and so on. I started to read the list and it went on and on. My god, such a long list, so many publications, lectures....
“Generalized Cell Formation in CMS using Metaheuristic Algorithm”
“Design of Cellular Manufacturing using Neural Network Model”
“A Methodology for Evaluation of Service Quality using Neural Networks”
“Application of Theory of Constraints on Scheduling of Drum-Buffer Rope System”
were some of the titles of his papers almost none made any sense to me.
Then I opened my own “Professional Resume”. It had almost nothing worth mentioning except a B.Tech degree and some 3+ years of experience in an IT services company.
I feel dwarfened. But the logical mind tries to argue.
No, I can not dare to compare my resume with that of my esteemed professor, but I remember Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam saying the universities to stop doing mindless research and do something productive.
I wonder how many people except this prof would have read his research papers. Well, he is just symbolizing the hundreds of research scholars in India who keep publishing technical literature here and there some for getting a better job, promotion, certification etc.
Thousands of people get PhDs from various Indian universities every year in engineering disciplines. So why don’t at least a few exciting technologies come out from India every year. Clearly the researches are directionless (as acknowledged by many including Dr. Kalam). I think the exam oriented mentality in our country has devalued PhD which now is mere another degree or certificate of a course completion rather than being finder of something new.
The heights of Great Britain was fueled by the industrial revolution, that of USA was similarly supported by the pioneering technological innovations. So I think India can not ride high forever by only providing cheap services and labor. Innovations will be needed to sustain the growth and not the hundreds of publications without practical output.
“Generalized Cell Formation in CMS using Metaheuristic Algorithm”
“Design of Cellular Manufacturing using Neural Network Model”
“A Methodology for Evaluation of Service Quality using Neural Networks”
“Application of Theory of Constraints on Scheduling of Drum-Buffer Rope System”
were some of the titles of his papers almost none made any sense to me.
Then I opened my own “Professional Resume”. It had almost nothing worth mentioning except a B.Tech degree and some 3+ years of experience in an IT services company.
I feel dwarfened. But the logical mind tries to argue.
No, I can not dare to compare my resume with that of my esteemed professor, but I remember Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam saying the universities to stop doing mindless research and do something productive.
I wonder how many people except this prof would have read his research papers. Well, he is just symbolizing the hundreds of research scholars in India who keep publishing technical literature here and there some for getting a better job, promotion, certification etc.
Thousands of people get PhDs from various Indian universities every year in engineering disciplines. So why don’t at least a few exciting technologies come out from India every year. Clearly the researches are directionless (as acknowledged by many including Dr. Kalam). I think the exam oriented mentality in our country has devalued PhD which now is mere another degree or certificate of a course completion rather than being finder of something new.
The heights of Great Britain was fueled by the industrial revolution, that of USA was similarly supported by the pioneering technological innovations. So I think India can not ride high forever by only providing cheap services and labor. Innovations will be needed to sustain the growth and not the hundreds of publications without practical output.
Cost Reduction
Why are things so sluggish in big organizations? As students we do a lot of activities in our colleges, which are parallel to what the industries do. For example, I am working on an assignment of modifying an electronic circuit (which is an intelligent brake control of automotives) in order to reduce its cost. I belong to a service provider company in India which has posted me in USA at the client company location for this assignment. I have a couple of suggestions to achieve the goal. These are nothing but some slight modifications similar to what we used to solve in our engineering classes while solving numerical problems. My company sent me here in USA bearing all the cost to do these slight modifications which an engineering undergraduate does in his classroom as simple problems. Worse, with these ideas I am waiting for multiple levels of approvals so that it can be implemented or rejected. It has been one week since I am waiting for the team members and the manager to assemble for a meeting to discuss my idea. I know that if they accept it, it does not end there. It will go to the design team and from there god knows where for approvals. My concern is, why does it take such a long time to do a small thing in a big organization?
Actually, my company will be happy if it takes more and more time. Because they will get more and more hourly billing for my work. But it is a definite loss for the client company. Well, my job here is to try and reduce the cost of the product by modifying the design, but I think, if they become a little more efficient in execution of works, co-operation and communication among the various departments, they can reduce a lot of cost. Alas! I can not give this feedback for cost reduction here as it is against the interests of my company.
Actually, my company will be happy if it takes more and more time. Because they will get more and more hourly billing for my work. But it is a definite loss for the client company. Well, my job here is to try and reduce the cost of the product by modifying the design, but I think, if they become a little more efficient in execution of works, co-operation and communication among the various departments, they can reduce a lot of cost. Alas! I can not give this feedback for cost reduction here as it is against the interests of my company.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Life is an unknown journey. Everything, every moment is unknown. Although we can predict the outcome on a few occasions, most of the times future remains unpredictable. In this journey we make friends and relatives. Whose behavior towards us is pretty much predictable, e.g. I know how my mom will care for me when I go to my native place after many months. This also is a function of time and space. A mom in USA will not have the same feelings (or expression of feelings) for and the same expectations from her son as a mom in India. The relations mean differently in different parts of the globe.
NBC news channel here once reported that people have 40-45 % divorce rate in USA. Even the couples over 60 have around 40 % chances of getting divorced. I am sure these couples would have spent over 10 times more money on their honeymoon than an average Indian couple. (I am yet to go on a honeymoon after 7 months of my marriage.)
So, it implies that these cosmetic affections do not promise a stronger bonding. An Indian husband can not tell his wife, “Well, it was nice living with you these 5 years, may be we should look for a change.”
NBC news channel here once reported that people have 40-45 % divorce rate in USA. Even the couples over 60 have around 40 % chances of getting divorced. I am sure these couples would have spent over 10 times more money on their honeymoon than an average Indian couple. (I am yet to go on a honeymoon after 7 months of my marriage.)
So, it implies that these cosmetic affections do not promise a stronger bonding. An Indian husband can not tell his wife, “Well, it was nice living with you these 5 years, may be we should look for a change.”
Detroit Diary
The world is a village, thanks to the globalization, internet, the economic reformers and MNCs. Today you do not feel away from home in the sense of food and commodity market. I wonder what those early birds had faced when they flew to the USA or Britain all the way from India in early 80s or even before. It is unlikely that those people knew if pizza is edible or anything else, what is MacDonald’s or Subway or any other such brand. Today we are used to all these even in India, so when one comes to USA for the first time, apart from the infrastructure and the cars, you do not find much difference when compared to the Bangalores or the Delhies of India.
I reached Detroit at around 12:40 PM local time. As I came out of the airport, a smart young man approached me, “Taxi service required, sir?” I answered in affirmative but before that I wanted to make a couple of calls. He gave me his cell phone to make the local as well as international calls. This kind of generous behavior is hard to find in India. The taxi was a luxury car (I dunno which make it was as it is not available in India). With the help of GPS we reached the hotel without any difficulty. In India, I am sure; you can’t reach a place without asking several people if you do not know the way.
The first day, Vic and Steve took me for a lunch. We went to “Jimmy John’s” a famous restaurant here. Having spent around 27 years in India, I can’t say a veg sandwich and a coke a good lunch but their gesture was good. They wanted to know more about me. It was kind of a welcome meal.
The next morning as I was walking to office, someone called from a car, “You want a ride Sushil?” It was Hamid, my colleague here. He told me how he spent time till mid-night playing soccer at a club. My god, the guy looked above 45 and he has got such an enthu. And we Indians feel too old to play after 25 or so. It reminded me the saying, “You do not stop playing because you grow old, but you grow old because you stop playing.”
Then came the News of strike at General Motors. I saw all the demonstrations as the GM plant is just next to the hotel where I am staying. In our office people were of the opinion that the GM employees are cutting their own throat by going on strike. Fortunately, within 40 hrs the employees union reached at an agreement with the GM management and the strike was called off. Still the strike left its impact as I read many other suppliers of GM (primarily Delphi) started laying off people.
Truly, Detroit is the automotive capital of the world. All the major automotive companies are having their presence here. But hey, are not all the major global companies (of any sector) have their presence in India and still going strong? So India is definitely on her way to become the world’s factory and the world’s market.
I reached Detroit at around 12:40 PM local time. As I came out of the airport, a smart young man approached me, “Taxi service required, sir?” I answered in affirmative but before that I wanted to make a couple of calls. He gave me his cell phone to make the local as well as international calls. This kind of generous behavior is hard to find in India. The taxi was a luxury car (I dunno which make it was as it is not available in India). With the help of GPS we reached the hotel without any difficulty. In India, I am sure; you can’t reach a place without asking several people if you do not know the way.
The first day, Vic and Steve took me for a lunch. We went to “Jimmy John’s” a famous restaurant here. Having spent around 27 years in India, I can’t say a veg sandwich and a coke a good lunch but their gesture was good. They wanted to know more about me. It was kind of a welcome meal.
The next morning as I was walking to office, someone called from a car, “You want a ride Sushil?” It was Hamid, my colleague here. He told me how he spent time till mid-night playing soccer at a club. My god, the guy looked above 45 and he has got such an enthu. And we Indians feel too old to play after 25 or so. It reminded me the saying, “You do not stop playing because you grow old, but you grow old because you stop playing.”
Then came the News of strike at General Motors. I saw all the demonstrations as the GM plant is just next to the hotel where I am staying. In our office people were of the opinion that the GM employees are cutting their own throat by going on strike. Fortunately, within 40 hrs the employees union reached at an agreement with the GM management and the strike was called off. Still the strike left its impact as I read many other suppliers of GM (primarily Delphi) started laying off people.
Truly, Detroit is the automotive capital of the world. All the major automotive companies are having their presence here. But hey, are not all the major global companies (of any sector) have their presence in India and still going strong? So India is definitely on her way to become the world’s factory and the world’s market.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
अभिमान सौन्दर्य का
गर्व मत कर पुष्प अपनी अधखिली सुकुमारता पर
गूँजते चाहक भ्रमर की कामना की विवशता पर
मत अकड़ इस वायु विस्तृत फैलते मकरन्द ही पर
तितलियों का दिल लुभाती देह के इस रंग ही पर
पवन तुझको गोद में लेकर झुलाती है सदा
सूर्य की किरणें अभी तुझको हँसाती हैं सदा
किन्तु इतना ध्यान रख तू ऐ सुकोमल पुष्पवर
रूप के अभिमान की तो कुछ दिनों की है उमर
अन्त की तो कल्पना कर जरा को ला ध्यान में
वृद्ध सा मृतप्राय सा जब तू पड़ा उध्यान में
जिस पवन की गोद में तू झूलता था प्रेम से
उसी के इक तीव्र झोंके से गिरा तू भूमि पे
श्वास अन्तिम ले रहा तू है पड़ा अब भूमि पर
साथ देने आज तेरा है नहीं आता भ्रमर
सूर्य की अब वही किरणें जो हँसाती थीं तुझे
आज तेरे वृद्ध तन को हैं जलाती तपन से
अन्त के इस दृश्य को ही याद करके पुष्पवर
रंग का अभिमान मत कर गर्व मत कर रूप पर
गूँजते चाहक भ्रमर की कामना की विवशता पर
मत अकड़ इस वायु विस्तृत फैलते मकरन्द ही पर
तितलियों का दिल लुभाती देह के इस रंग ही पर
पवन तुझको गोद में लेकर झुलाती है सदा
सूर्य की किरणें अभी तुझको हँसाती हैं सदा
किन्तु इतना ध्यान रख तू ऐ सुकोमल पुष्पवर
रूप के अभिमान की तो कुछ दिनों की है उमर
अन्त की तो कल्पना कर जरा को ला ध्यान में
वृद्ध सा मृतप्राय सा जब तू पड़ा उध्यान में
जिस पवन की गोद में तू झूलता था प्रेम से
उसी के इक तीव्र झोंके से गिरा तू भूमि पे
श्वास अन्तिम ले रहा तू है पड़ा अब भूमि पर
साथ देने आज तेरा है नहीं आता भ्रमर
सूर्य की अब वही किरणें जो हँसाती थीं तुझे
आज तेरे वृद्ध तन को हैं जलाती तपन से
अन्त के इस दृश्य को ही याद करके पुष्पवर
रंग का अभिमान मत कर गर्व मत कर रूप पर
क्या हुआ जो.....
क्या हुआ जो अब हमारे, स्वप्न में आने लगी हो
अधखिली सुकुमार सी जो कली थी वो खिल रही है
और उस पर ओस की जो बूँद थी वो हिल रही है
ओस की उस बूँद सा ही स्वच्छ निर्मल प्रेम मेरा
और उस कोमल कली के बदन जैसा रूप तेरा
वर्षा ऋतु के बादलों सी हृदय पर छाने लगी हो
क्या हुआ जो अब हमारे, स्वप्न में आने लगी हो
चाँद से नजरें मिलाकर पूछने अब ये लगा मन
क्या कभी देखा धरा पर तुम सदृश सौन्दर्य का धन?
रूप यौवन औ गुँणों की कल्पना से भी अपरिमित
मंजु मुख की कांति जिसकी सदा करती जग प्रफुल्लित
हाँ तुम्हीं तो काव्य बनकर छंद में आने लगी हो
क्या हुआ जो अब हमारे, स्वप्न में आने लगी हो
सूर्य की हों रश्मियाँ या चन्द्र की हो चाँदनी
नदी की लहरें हों या फिर खगों की कलरव ध्वनि
देखकर सौन्दर्य जिसका प्रकृति भी ऊर्जित होती है
रूप रस का पान करके स्वतः गीत सर्जित होती है
हाँ तुम्हीं तो कलम बनकर गीत लिखवाने लगी हो
क्या हुआ जो अब हमारे, स्वप्न में आने लगी हो
अधखिली सुकुमार सी जो कली थी वो खिल रही है
और उस पर ओस की जो बूँद थी वो हिल रही है
ओस की उस बूँद सा ही स्वच्छ निर्मल प्रेम मेरा
और उस कोमल कली के बदन जैसा रूप तेरा
वर्षा ऋतु के बादलों सी हृदय पर छाने लगी हो
क्या हुआ जो अब हमारे, स्वप्न में आने लगी हो
चाँद से नजरें मिलाकर पूछने अब ये लगा मन
क्या कभी देखा धरा पर तुम सदृश सौन्दर्य का धन?
रूप यौवन औ गुँणों की कल्पना से भी अपरिमित
मंजु मुख की कांति जिसकी सदा करती जग प्रफुल्लित
हाँ तुम्हीं तो काव्य बनकर छंद में आने लगी हो
क्या हुआ जो अब हमारे, स्वप्न में आने लगी हो
सूर्य की हों रश्मियाँ या चन्द्र की हो चाँदनी
नदी की लहरें हों या फिर खगों की कलरव ध्वनि
देखकर सौन्दर्य जिसका प्रकृति भी ऊर्जित होती है
रूप रस का पान करके स्वतः गीत सर्जित होती है
हाँ तुम्हीं तो कलम बनकर गीत लिखवाने लगी हो
क्या हुआ जो अब हमारे, स्वप्न में आने लगी हो
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Sine Wave
My professor of Electrical Engineering once opined, “Sine wave is the most natural wave.” It seems to be true. Everything in this world has rise and fall. Be it our age, friendship, strength, beauty, knowledge, progress, wealth, happiness or anything. The sine wave has equal rise and fall at regular intervals. Physics tells that everything in this world has a natural frequency of vibration. That means everything, including the massive planets and stars, is vibrating. Vibrating in simple harmonic motion (a sine wave pattern).
So sine wave is the most natural wave which describes the behavior of the universe.
We don’t have the same level of affection with our mother as we had when we were babies; we could not live without mother then, and now we can easily be away from her for a few months or years.. Your love (or infatuation) towards your GF first increases till the peak and then reduces. Same is true for success and failure.
So don’t you worry if things are not going your way, it will one day. Yes efforts should be continuous else your sine wave wavelength may be comparable to your life span i.e. by the time success comes to you, you may be too old to enjoy it.
So sine wave is the most natural wave which describes the behavior of the universe.
We don’t have the same level of affection with our mother as we had when we were babies; we could not live without mother then, and now we can easily be away from her for a few months or years.. Your love (or infatuation) towards your GF first increases till the peak and then reduces. Same is true for success and failure.
So don’t you worry if things are not going your way, it will one day. Yes efforts should be continuous else your sine wave wavelength may be comparable to your life span i.e. by the time success comes to you, you may be too old to enjoy it.
Monday, July 30, 2007
In physics the momentum of an object can be conceptually thought of as how difficult it is to stop the object. So, the moving object continues to move unless it is stopped by applying an external force. That’s why in all kinds of vehicles, the power required while starting is much more than the running power. Life is also like this. We know that doing certain things will benefit us; still we are not able to do it, rather not able to start it. Only if we apply extra efforts and start doing the work, it will be difficult to stop.
“Well begun is half done.”
What is the explanation of the juggernaut of Australian cricket team? How else can one explain of some player being in-form for certain time? It is the momentum which plays a vital role in win and loss.
Late Mr. Newton also told us that the objects will remain in no motion state unless they are applied on by “sufficient external force”. So there is also a momentum of no motion, laziness and defeat. This explains some players being out-of-form.
Momentum p = mv
So we need to have mass (knowledge/talent etc.) and we require external force (extra efforts/motivation etc.) to acquire substantial velocity. After that life is cool. Enjoy Madi.
“Well begun is half done.”
What is the explanation of the juggernaut of Australian cricket team? How else can one explain of some player being in-form for certain time? It is the momentum which plays a vital role in win and loss.
Late Mr. Newton also told us that the objects will remain in no motion state unless they are applied on by “sufficient external force”. So there is also a momentum of no motion, laziness and defeat. This explains some players being out-of-form.
Momentum p = mv
So we need to have mass (knowledge/talent etc.) and we require external force (extra efforts/motivation etc.) to acquire substantial velocity. After that life is cool. Enjoy Madi.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Deserve, Then Desire
This has become the current trend. We often find people complaining about their salary, people changing companies for better pay package etc. Some of them may be really deserving better salaries than their current employer pays, but, I think, most of these crying souls desire more just because some of their pals are getting more. A recent NASSCOM survey says that the number of jobs outsourced to India has started reducing because of the explosive increase in salaries and attrition rates. Do these people really perform extraordinarily in their new companies to justify the hike? Well, Dinkarji answers logically in the following lines.
छुद्र पात्र हो मग्न कूप में जितना जल लेता है,
उससे अधिक वारि सागर भी उसे नहीं देता है॥
-------दिनकर (रश्मिरथी)
(The water taken by a small vessel from the sea is no more than the water it takes from the well.)
The steep increase of salaries is the root cause of many problems in the socity. An average employee in IT/BT sector gets 20% annual hike whereas an average government servant gets 2-4% annual hike. So year after year the difference in their assets widens. Is the Hi Tech cities like Bangalore, Gurgaon, Noida, Hyderabad are occupied only by these priveleged IT/BT sector employees? Certainly not. Then where from a govt. servant will get Rs 60 lakhs to buy a house or Rs 1 lakh for deposit + Rs 10,000 per month for house rent? How will he be able to pay Rs 40,000 donantion for admission of his kid in a good school in LKG?
What happens to the education and career of his children? No wonder, the crime rate in Bangalore (and other Hi Tech cities) is on ramp. The increacing financial imbalance makes it difficult for the lower middle class to survive. The easier option to their kids is to loot an IT employee on the street in mid-night or so. There has to be a way to reduce this financial imbalance. Otherwise the 21st centuary will have new set of naxals, mostly in Hi Tech cities.
छुद्र पात्र हो मग्न कूप में जितना जल लेता है,
उससे अधिक वारि सागर भी उसे नहीं देता है॥
-------दिनकर (रश्मिरथी)
(The water taken by a small vessel from the sea is no more than the water it takes from the well.)
The steep increase of salaries is the root cause of many problems in the socity. An average employee in IT/BT sector gets 20% annual hike whereas an average government servant gets 2-4% annual hike. So year after year the difference in their assets widens. Is the Hi Tech cities like Bangalore, Gurgaon, Noida, Hyderabad are occupied only by these priveleged IT/BT sector employees? Certainly not. Then where from a govt. servant will get Rs 60 lakhs to buy a house or Rs 1 lakh for deposit + Rs 10,000 per month for house rent? How will he be able to pay Rs 40,000 donantion for admission of his kid in a good school in LKG?
What happens to the education and career of his children? No wonder, the crime rate in Bangalore (and other Hi Tech cities) is on ramp. The increacing financial imbalance makes it difficult for the lower middle class to survive. The easier option to their kids is to loot an IT employee on the street in mid-night or so. There has to be a way to reduce this financial imbalance. Otherwise the 21st centuary will have new set of naxals, mostly in Hi Tech cities.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Creator Vs Degree holder
When I see graduates rushing for an MBA degree in order to “boost their career”, I wonder if it is the only way to boost one’s career? I don’t know what they teach in B schools. But when I see most people who are top achievers in the corporate world, I find that most of them do not hold an MBA degree or equivalent. Dhirubhai Ambani was a non MBA. He made india’s biggest business empire from zero and many MBAs including his sons are busy running his business. Ghanshyam Das Birla created a similar business power house and his grandson Kumarmangalam Birla, an MBA is running it. Same holds for almost all the big enterprise creators e.g. Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Steve Balmer, L.N. Mittal, the founders of Infosys and a host of successful companies of today. The other day I was reading a story in “The Week” about a 10 class pass guy from Pune who started as an unskilled laborer and today owns a Rs100 Crore company manufacturing power equipments. Many MBAs are working in his company to take care of his business. Then I watched “The Pursuit Of Happiness” where the hero builds a business empire struggling all the way with no college degree.
All these thousands of examples force me to believe that an MBA degree, or any degree for that matter, is not a prerequisite to excel in business. It needs something that is not taught in the college. Possessors of “that thing” create businesses and possessors of degrees work under them to run their business.
All these thousands of examples force me to believe that an MBA degree, or any degree for that matter, is not a prerequisite to excel in business. It needs something that is not taught in the college. Possessors of “that thing” create businesses and possessors of degrees work under them to run their business.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
मृत्यु तू ही संगिनी अन्तिम छणों की, फिर मुझे तू क्यों डराना चाहती है।
प्रेम में तो हार को हम जीत कहते, फिर मुझे तू क्यों हराना चाहती है।
छोड़ देंगे साथ सब अन्तिम छणों में, दीर्घ निद्रा में हृदय जब व्यस्त होगा,
तू ही है वह प्रेमिका जो साथ होगी, आ अगर तू पास आना चाहती है॥
---- माधव कृष्ण
The story goes in the epic “Mahabharatha” that Yaksha asked Yudhishthira, “What, in your opinion, is the biggest surprise in this world?” And the eldest Pandu replied,” Even after knowing that everybody will die one day, people are afraid of death. This is the biggest surprise.”
I asked myself, am I afraid of death? I think rather than death, I am afraid of the suffering before death. Death may be a natural one, or an accidental. In any case, I am least bothered about what happens to this world after I die. I am afraid of the suffering before I die. One of my friend’s father is a driver in Indian Railways. He tells that he has seen many people coming on the railway tracks determined to commit suicide, but as the trains come frightening close, they run away. A person who has decided to die is surely unbearably sad about what is happening (or not happening) with him in life. But the terror of watching death face to face closely proves to be bigger that anything. I am afraid of the sufferings of life more than the death. May God let me die painlessly and peacefully, whenever it happens. I am not afraid of it.
प्रेम में तो हार को हम जीत कहते, फिर मुझे तू क्यों हराना चाहती है।
छोड़ देंगे साथ सब अन्तिम छणों में, दीर्घ निद्रा में हृदय जब व्यस्त होगा,
तू ही है वह प्रेमिका जो साथ होगी, आ अगर तू पास आना चाहती है॥
---- माधव कृष्ण
The story goes in the epic “Mahabharatha” that Yaksha asked Yudhishthira, “What, in your opinion, is the biggest surprise in this world?” And the eldest Pandu replied,” Even after knowing that everybody will die one day, people are afraid of death. This is the biggest surprise.”
I asked myself, am I afraid of death? I think rather than death, I am afraid of the suffering before death. Death may be a natural one, or an accidental. In any case, I am least bothered about what happens to this world after I die. I am afraid of the suffering before I die. One of my friend’s father is a driver in Indian Railways. He tells that he has seen many people coming on the railway tracks determined to commit suicide, but as the trains come frightening close, they run away. A person who has decided to die is surely unbearably sad about what is happening (or not happening) with him in life. But the terror of watching death face to face closely proves to be bigger that anything. I am afraid of the sufferings of life more than the death. May God let me die painlessly and peacefully, whenever it happens. I am not afraid of it.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Learning n Teaching
You teach that what you want to learn most.
Learning is infinite. We start learning any subject physics, biology, literature, arts, finance or anything. In the beginning we don’t feel the infinite volume and depth of the subject. But as we progress in learning the subject, the depth increases, and the more we learn the more depth we discover. At the end we decide a limit on how much we want to learn on that particular subject.
One of the professors of my engineering institute told me once, “When you finish your B.Tech, you feel that you know a lot. After finishing M.Tech you think, the subject is really vast but you know quite much. And when you do your PhD, you realize that you don’t even know 5% of the subject.”.
The best teacher of a subject is the one who himself is learning the same subject. Experiences are important but merely sharing experiences doesn’t make somebody a great teacher. The teacher should be aware the condition of the student. Whether he/she is actually an eager student or the teacher is trying to force his/her teachings.
So, though teaching is great, one should teach only to an eager student and not insult his knowledge by forcing it to an unwilling person.
Happy Learning n Teaching.
Learning is infinite. We start learning any subject physics, biology, literature, arts, finance or anything. In the beginning we don’t feel the infinite volume and depth of the subject. But as we progress in learning the subject, the depth increases, and the more we learn the more depth we discover. At the end we decide a limit on how much we want to learn on that particular subject.
One of the professors of my engineering institute told me once, “When you finish your B.Tech, you feel that you know a lot. After finishing M.Tech you think, the subject is really vast but you know quite much. And when you do your PhD, you realize that you don’t even know 5% of the subject.”.
The best teacher of a subject is the one who himself is learning the same subject. Experiences are important but merely sharing experiences doesn’t make somebody a great teacher. The teacher should be aware the condition of the student. Whether he/she is actually an eager student or the teacher is trying to force his/her teachings.
So, though teaching is great, one should teach only to an eager student and not insult his knowledge by forcing it to an unwilling person.
Happy Learning n Teaching.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
There is time for everything.
There is time for everything.
----- Thomas Edison
In today’s busy schedule we feel short of time. Short of time to study something or doing yoga or other activities which interest us. But surprisingly we get time to eat, shit, sleep and other necessary activities regularly. The only explanation is we always do high priority things in life. So, the so called interesting tasks actually possess lesser priority than the things we do. One may think that if s/he had enough time, s/he could go for jogging every morning. But actually jogging has lesser priority in his/her life than half an hour of extra sleep or late night internet browsing / TV show.
So, there is time for every high priority thing.
----- Thomas Edison
In today’s busy schedule we feel short of time. Short of time to study something or doing yoga or other activities which interest us. But surprisingly we get time to eat, shit, sleep and other necessary activities regularly. The only explanation is we always do high priority things in life. So, the so called interesting tasks actually possess lesser priority than the things we do. One may think that if s/he had enough time, s/he could go for jogging every morning. But actually jogging has lesser priority in his/her life than half an hour of extra sleep or late night internet browsing / TV show.
So, there is time for every high priority thing.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Job Dilemma
रहा नहीं ब्रह्मास्त्र एक इससे क्या आता जाता है,
एक शस्त्र बल से न वीर कोई सबदिन कहलाता है।
नयी कला नूतन रचनाऐं नए ग्यान नूतन साधन,
नये तेज नूतन उमंग से वीर बने रहते नूतन॥
----------दिनकर “रश्मिरथी”
Gone are the days when people used to get a degree, get a job and that’s it. Life is secure, no tension of bread and butter. Those people were working in the same organization for all their career. My father, for example, is in his 33rd year with Hindalco Industries. But now, he askes me to change the company for “faster growth”. He just got his B.Sc. before getting this job and never studied after that. And the other day he was suggesting me, “May be you should go for an MBA degree, full time or part time. This will give you that extra edge.” Enough proof of the changing time. Now I can not expect to get a monthly pay cheque all through my career for the skills I have acqired.
Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterates of twenty first century will not be those who can not read or write, but those who can not learn, unlearn and relearn.”
Continuous innovation and change is what in demand. If I can’t do this work better, there are many who can. So I have to do it to survive. Yes, this is living in FEAR. So the best option is starting own business. Innovation is required there also, and the work is much harder than the 9 to 6 job. But I will be doing my own work. Other’s mistakes will least affect my growth.
किसी के तजरिबों का क्या भरोसा,
मैं ख़ुद गिर के सम्भलना चाहता हूँ॥
Let’s see.
एक शस्त्र बल से न वीर कोई सबदिन कहलाता है।
नयी कला नूतन रचनाऐं नए ग्यान नूतन साधन,
नये तेज नूतन उमंग से वीर बने रहते नूतन॥
----------दिनकर “रश्मिरथी”
Gone are the days when people used to get a degree, get a job and that’s it. Life is secure, no tension of bread and butter. Those people were working in the same organization for all their career. My father, for example, is in his 33rd year with Hindalco Industries. But now, he askes me to change the company for “faster growth”. He just got his B.Sc. before getting this job and never studied after that. And the other day he was suggesting me, “May be you should go for an MBA degree, full time or part time. This will give you that extra edge.” Enough proof of the changing time. Now I can not expect to get a monthly pay cheque all through my career for the skills I have acqired.
Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterates of twenty first century will not be those who can not read or write, but those who can not learn, unlearn and relearn.”
Continuous innovation and change is what in demand. If I can’t do this work better, there are many who can. So I have to do it to survive. Yes, this is living in FEAR. So the best option is starting own business. Innovation is required there also, and the work is much harder than the 9 to 6 job. But I will be doing my own work. Other’s mistakes will least affect my growth.
किसी के तजरिबों का क्या भरोसा,
मैं ख़ुद गिर के सम्भलना चाहता हूँ॥
Let’s see.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.
----- Albert Schweitzer
उद्देश्य जन्म का नहीं कीर्ति या धन है।
सुख नहीं धर्म भी नहीं ना तो चिन्तन है।
विग्यान ग्यान भी नहीं ना तो दर्शन है।
जीवन का अन्तिम ध्येय स्वयं जीवन है ॥
------- दिनकर
The aim of life, in simple language, is being happy all the time. Some people get happiness by amassing money, some by playing a game or pursuing certain hobbies, or by following relegious activities etc. But while doing all these, many a times we forget the very purpose of life.
“We run so fast for so long that we often forget what we are running for.”
Sometimes we take life so easy that we don’t care what is happening, why it is happening and so on. Just doing the essentials, eating and shitting (of course breathing also, but it happens effortlessly). Too much of carelessness may cause troubles in a long run.
Some people take life too seriously, analyzing every fact, each incident. While it is good to be wise and cautious, there is a risk of being lost in the infinite maze of thoughts and principles. It is not necessary that you apply all your knowledge acquired in the simplicity of life. You just need to extract happiness out of life every moment. And if your complex thoughts prevent you from doing so, forget those thoughts and principles. You can not be a slave of knowledge. Freedom Zindabad!
----- Albert Schweitzer
उद्देश्य जन्म का नहीं कीर्ति या धन है।
सुख नहीं धर्म भी नहीं ना तो चिन्तन है।
विग्यान ग्यान भी नहीं ना तो दर्शन है।
जीवन का अन्तिम ध्येय स्वयं जीवन है ॥
------- दिनकर
The aim of life, in simple language, is being happy all the time. Some people get happiness by amassing money, some by playing a game or pursuing certain hobbies, or by following relegious activities etc. But while doing all these, many a times we forget the very purpose of life.
“We run so fast for so long that we often forget what we are running for.”
Sometimes we take life so easy that we don’t care what is happening, why it is happening and so on. Just doing the essentials, eating and shitting (of course breathing also, but it happens effortlessly). Too much of carelessness may cause troubles in a long run.
Some people take life too seriously, analyzing every fact, each incident. While it is good to be wise and cautious, there is a risk of being lost in the infinite maze of thoughts and principles. It is not necessary that you apply all your knowledge acquired in the simplicity of life. You just need to extract happiness out of life every moment. And if your complex thoughts prevent you from doing so, forget those thoughts and principles. You can not be a slave of knowledge. Freedom Zindabad!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Understanding Mind
Somewhere I read a Sanskrit shloka meaning, “The state of mind after reading a good book or after visiting crematorium or after having sex, if persists for a lifetime, no one will indulge in bad deeds.” So that justifies Osho’s “Sambog se Samadhi tak” principles up to some extent. By the way, I am not a fan or disciple of Osho, nor have I read any of his books. So this article is not about Osho or sex.
Many gym going people separate body development from mind development. The body can not be healthy without an equally healthy mind. Both are linked together. The body can only be temporarily shaped in gym. A saying goes, “A chain is as strong as its weakest link.” So a balanced personality is a harmony between body, mind and soul. All of these are created and maintained by the food we eat, the air we breathe and the thoughts we follow. You are a renowned intellectual, don’t eat anything for 3-4 days and see how intelligently you are able to think. Even thoughts are generated by food. Ever experienced, we think differently when hungry and thoughts change after filling the belly?
Sometimes mind becomes impulsive, e.g. after reading a book the writer type people may get excited to write, after listening to a motivator one may get charged up to do something etc. We need to assess whether it is an impulsive thought or a more stable prolonged desire. We can also use the impulses for a small duration works, e.g. if you got involved in a spot fight, the impulsive fit of rage (catalyzed by gaalies) will give you enough strength to win the fight. But if it is a more strategic, longer duration fight, the impulsive anger will not help. Similarly one cannot expect success if s/he starts preparing for CAT/GATE/GRE/GMAT inspired by an impulsive motivation. It requires strategy and continuous hard work. Understanding mind will enhance probability of success. Hope so.
Many gym going people separate body development from mind development. The body can not be healthy without an equally healthy mind. Both are linked together. The body can only be temporarily shaped in gym. A saying goes, “A chain is as strong as its weakest link.” So a balanced personality is a harmony between body, mind and soul. All of these are created and maintained by the food we eat, the air we breathe and the thoughts we follow. You are a renowned intellectual, don’t eat anything for 3-4 days and see how intelligently you are able to think. Even thoughts are generated by food. Ever experienced, we think differently when hungry and thoughts change after filling the belly?
Sometimes mind becomes impulsive, e.g. after reading a book the writer type people may get excited to write, after listening to a motivator one may get charged up to do something etc. We need to assess whether it is an impulsive thought or a more stable prolonged desire. We can also use the impulses for a small duration works, e.g. if you got involved in a spot fight, the impulsive fit of rage (catalyzed by gaalies) will give you enough strength to win the fight. But if it is a more strategic, longer duration fight, the impulsive anger will not help. Similarly one cannot expect success if s/he starts preparing for CAT/GATE/GRE/GMAT inspired by an impulsive motivation. It requires strategy and continuous hard work. Understanding mind will enhance probability of success. Hope so.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Morning….Ah……Wonderful Morning
I used to get up late in the morning. Then rush for the daily routine and run to office. Life was hectic, not much time for exercise and breakfast. I had a feeling that mornings are beautiful. So to experience that, the other day I forced myself out of bed and went for a walk at 5:30 AM. To my amazement, what a pleasant feeling it was. Cool pure breeze, I felt like filling my lungs with as much fresh air as I can. In a city like Bangalore one cannot expect to get such pure, cool, pollution free air at any other time. I tried to have a rough estimate; I had missed this beautiful time for almost 90% of my life so far because of my laziness. And almost 90% of all urban people (In India, not sure about other countries) miss this poetic, pure and beautiful time daily. Probably that’s the reason this time is so pure.
The whole day we exploit and pollute the nature in as many ways as possible. In metro cities, I think we inhale more petroleum smoke than oxygen. But Mother Nature purifies all this by each morning to gift us such a pleasant morning. Just like our mothers used to clean up all our dirt and shit when we were babies. And I had ignored this gift till now. Today my eyes are tearful in gratitude of such a love by Mother Nature. I will try not to miss this wonderful time again. Promise Mother.
The whole day we exploit and pollute the nature in as many ways as possible. In metro cities, I think we inhale more petroleum smoke than oxygen. But Mother Nature purifies all this by each morning to gift us such a pleasant morning. Just like our mothers used to clean up all our dirt and shit when we were babies. And I had ignored this gift till now. Today my eyes are tearful in gratitude of such a love by Mother Nature. I will try not to miss this wonderful time again. Promise Mother.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Changing Mood…..
The other day I was feeling irritated and sad about something which was totally beyond my control. When I think in this direction, I find there are millions of things which are not happening the way it should happen, and most of them are beyond my control. I can not make those things happen the ideal way. And a cloud of gloom shadows my mind.
But after some time, I see somebody laughing, I see a pretty lady (my wife) smiling, a cute little kid playing, birds friendly playing and chirping. All these events mock my intelligence and understanding of life. I see the birds, playing, singing and flying. They don’t even know whether they will get enough food tomorrow or not. Still they are happy. At least my food is fixed for a couple of months (presuming my company will give me at least 2 months notice before ditching me).
After a little introspection, I am happy again. Planning for an exciting future, expressing my heart through writing, watching a good movie, cracking jokes, playing with my friends…..and all this transforms my mind from a gloomy bundle to an energy pack.
I feel this is a cycle of mood. From happy to neutral to dull to sad to happy again. This happens with everybody. Only frequency of this change of mood and duration of each state varies. We can stay happy for longer time by reading good books, watching good movies, spending quality time with friends and/or partner, playing like kids, singing, painting, dancing, playing on musical instruments, blogging ….whatever suits the individual. This will make life very light and simple.
For every task I do, I ask this question to myself, “Am I doing it because of some compulsion or because I am interested to do it?” The percentage of time I spend with a happy mood is directly proportional to the percentage of interesting works I do.So, mood changes, but the frequency of change can be well controlled.
But after some time, I see somebody laughing, I see a pretty lady (my wife) smiling, a cute little kid playing, birds friendly playing and chirping. All these events mock my intelligence and understanding of life. I see the birds, playing, singing and flying. They don’t even know whether they will get enough food tomorrow or not. Still they are happy. At least my food is fixed for a couple of months (presuming my company will give me at least 2 months notice before ditching me).
After a little introspection, I am happy again. Planning for an exciting future, expressing my heart through writing, watching a good movie, cracking jokes, playing with my friends…..and all this transforms my mind from a gloomy bundle to an energy pack.
I feel this is a cycle of mood. From happy to neutral to dull to sad to happy again. This happens with everybody. Only frequency of this change of mood and duration of each state varies. We can stay happy for longer time by reading good books, watching good movies, spending quality time with friends and/or partner, playing like kids, singing, painting, dancing, playing on musical instruments, blogging ….whatever suits the individual. This will make life very light and simple.
For every task I do, I ask this question to myself, “Am I doing it because of some compulsion or because I am interested to do it?” The percentage of time I spend with a happy mood is directly proportional to the percentage of interesting works I do.So, mood changes, but the frequency of change can be well controlled.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
When a person is paid for doing some work, it is expected that s/he will do the work. Isn't it? Not anymore.
Almost daily I see people blasting some courier people for not delivering their consignment or to credit card company for over charging or the telemarketing people who buzz us all the day for selling their products etc etc. Not only that, even in an MNC, their own employees are also treated in the same way by their support teams like HR, for example delayed payment, delayed bonus or settlement of bills etc. This doesn’t end here. Even the employees who serve some outer customer behave irresponsibly in delivering the service.
So this makes me think that just paying is not enough, you need to fight along with paying to get the work done. Just like in a democracy, only voting to elect the right government is not enough, we need to protest, write and shout to get the justice.
The accountability is getting reduced, because:
Almost daily I see people blasting some courier people for not delivering their consignment or to credit card company for over charging or the telemarketing people who buzz us all the day for selling their products etc etc. Not only that, even in an MNC, their own employees are also treated in the same way by their support teams like HR, for example delayed payment, delayed bonus or settlement of bills etc. This doesn’t end here. Even the employees who serve some outer customer behave irresponsibly in delivering the service.
So this makes me think that just paying is not enough, you need to fight along with paying to get the work done. Just like in a democracy, only voting to elect the right government is not enough, we need to protest, write and shout to get the justice.
The accountability is getting reduced, because:
The number of job options available. If you commit a blunder in one company and get fired, there are other companies to hire you.
Lack of motivator and leader in the work place. This makes the work a burden and increases the probability of careless errors. We have more than enough number of managers but very few of them understand the need to motivate and unite the team.
Nature of the nation probably makes a difference. In countries like Japan or UK the situation will be different. Apparently they have more sense of responsibility.
There may be many more reasons, but the bottom line is, be prepared to fight and shout in addition to paying, to get the services (and your rights).
Self Respect
Self Respect or Self Esteem, what is that?? Easy question isn’t it? We all know what it means. It’s just respecting our identity and pride. It’s the understanding of what we are capable of and what we are not.
We, the educated people are supposed to be aware of this simple thing. But are we? All the time I see people buttering the boss for a promotion, a foreign country work assignment, a good salary hike etc. Almost all the time killing their SELF RESPECT. Is it necessary? Won’t these things come automatically to the deserving person? I strongly believe IT WILL.
The nature is balanced all the time, in all the aspects. Each particle is gravitationally balanced. From Newtonian physics we understand that in a force balanced system of objects if we displace even a single particle or object, the entire system will collapse. So, if we move a book from one place to another, all the other object movements (done by others) happen in such a way that it balances the system again. Similarly each person’s deeds good or bad are balanced all the time. At any given time, we only get what we deserve. I repeat, we get only what we deserve. No one can break the law of nature. So, first deserve and then desire. You will get it.
If we understand this fact, why do we sacrifice our self esteem trying to achieve something? Does it suit a graduate person to beg to his boss for a good pay hike? The market is open. If he doesn’t get what he deserves, he can change the company. Remember, a beggar never deserves anything.
Today I ask myself, “Do I really respect my self respect?” The answer will probably determine my career direction.
We, the educated people are supposed to be aware of this simple thing. But are we? All the time I see people buttering the boss for a promotion, a foreign country work assignment, a good salary hike etc. Almost all the time killing their SELF RESPECT. Is it necessary? Won’t these things come automatically to the deserving person? I strongly believe IT WILL.
The nature is balanced all the time, in all the aspects. Each particle is gravitationally balanced. From Newtonian physics we understand that in a force balanced system of objects if we displace even a single particle or object, the entire system will collapse. So, if we move a book from one place to another, all the other object movements (done by others) happen in such a way that it balances the system again. Similarly each person’s deeds good or bad are balanced all the time. At any given time, we only get what we deserve. I repeat, we get only what we deserve. No one can break the law of nature. So, first deserve and then desire. You will get it.
If we understand this fact, why do we sacrifice our self esteem trying to achieve something? Does it suit a graduate person to beg to his boss for a good pay hike? The market is open. If he doesn’t get what he deserves, he can change the company. Remember, a beggar never deserves anything.
Today I ask myself, “Do I really respect my self respect?” The answer will probably determine my career direction.
Monday, April 16, 2007
You ….. Liar….
Saturday, 15th April 2007
4:13 PM, Bangalore
You ….. Liar….
Many people tell lies in some situation or the other. The question is why do we lie? Or WHY DO I LIE? Is it a necessity or a habit? Many may argue, it becomes a necessity sometimes. For example, while bargaining at a shop, you may tend to tell a lie to the shopkeeper that the same thing is available at a lesser price in other shops. The logic is, since he is telling a lie to me by exaggerating the price; I have to do the same as a counter attack. Ok, accepted, but what about other situations? I think, most of the time we lie in order to gain something like respect, admiration, praise or some other favor which we do not deserve. A guy in the college boasting about his special talents to his classmates (mostly girls) or an interviewee bluffing about his abilities to the panel, there is a clear visible benefit expected.
We lie because we are not comfortable about telling what we actually possess. By boasting, the guy may get a GF or two and the candidate may get the job, but they actually do not have the talents they boasted. So there is a good chance of them being caught at a later stage. This ruins the relationships as the person no more remains trust worthy. Unearthed lies are the main cause of broken marriages (or relationships).
But there is a third category also. I have seen many people lying for no gain at all. These noble souls are slaves of habit. Whatever the situation may be, they will lie or exaggerate the fact.
Personally, I have never seen a person who lies a lot and still command a great respect from his/her peers. And I know a few people who do not lie (or do not appear to). All of them command a lot of respect from people. So I find lies and respect as inversely proportional to each other. It can’t be a coincidence; your own experiences will give a boost to this statement.
4:13 PM, Bangalore
You ….. Liar….
Many people tell lies in some situation or the other. The question is why do we lie? Or WHY DO I LIE? Is it a necessity or a habit? Many may argue, it becomes a necessity sometimes. For example, while bargaining at a shop, you may tend to tell a lie to the shopkeeper that the same thing is available at a lesser price in other shops. The logic is, since he is telling a lie to me by exaggerating the price; I have to do the same as a counter attack. Ok, accepted, but what about other situations? I think, most of the time we lie in order to gain something like respect, admiration, praise or some other favor which we do not deserve. A guy in the college boasting about his special talents to his classmates (mostly girls) or an interviewee bluffing about his abilities to the panel, there is a clear visible benefit expected.
We lie because we are not comfortable about telling what we actually possess. By boasting, the guy may get a GF or two and the candidate may get the job, but they actually do not have the talents they boasted. So there is a good chance of them being caught at a later stage. This ruins the relationships as the person no more remains trust worthy. Unearthed lies are the main cause of broken marriages (or relationships).
But there is a third category also. I have seen many people lying for no gain at all. These noble souls are slaves of habit. Whatever the situation may be, they will lie or exaggerate the fact.
Personally, I have never seen a person who lies a lot and still command a great respect from his/her peers. And I know a few people who do not lie (or do not appear to). All of them command a lot of respect from people. So I find lies and respect as inversely proportional to each other. It can’t be a coincidence; your own experiences will give a boost to this statement.
Friday, April 13, 2007
The man of prayer will be at peace with himself and with the whole world.
-----M. K. Gandhi
It gives me strength. I get the realization of right and wrong during and after prayer. It teaches me how insignificant are the daily matters worrying about which I spend most of my time. I feel energized, charged up after each prayer. The mind is so balanced and calm. Creativity, for which I struggle during my busy times, comes by its own after prayer. Sometimes, in distracted frame of mind I tend to ignore prayers for a few days. Those days though I feel satisfied by comfortable life, the internal bliss remains absent.
And only when I again pray that I realize what was missing.
Many people directly link prayer with religion and they argue that religions are man made and have no meaning. I agree. I only say that prayer is just a communication between two existing things – mind and soul (or conscience or driving force or energy center). Believing in any religion is not at all a pre condition for prayer. It is a simple talk between the soul and the mind.
Many say language doesn’t matter in prayer. What is required is feeling. May be, I don’t know. What I know is each word of the following prayer hammers my mind and heart and that sheds away the dust and corrosion accumulated so far.
O Absolute energy! O Ultimate consciousness! Grant me the fearlessness to be myself. Grant me the knowledge to keep my body and mind healthy. Grant me the patience to understand, strength and courage to struggle. Grant me the wisdom to keep myself balanced even in harshest of situations and highest of rewards. Let every breath of my life be a learning and growth. The moment I stop growing and learning, let that moment be the end of my life.
-----M. K. Gandhi
It gives me strength. I get the realization of right and wrong during and after prayer. It teaches me how insignificant are the daily matters worrying about which I spend most of my time. I feel energized, charged up after each prayer. The mind is so balanced and calm. Creativity, for which I struggle during my busy times, comes by its own after prayer. Sometimes, in distracted frame of mind I tend to ignore prayers for a few days. Those days though I feel satisfied by comfortable life, the internal bliss remains absent.
And only when I again pray that I realize what was missing.
Many people directly link prayer with religion and they argue that religions are man made and have no meaning. I agree. I only say that prayer is just a communication between two existing things – mind and soul (or conscience or driving force or energy center). Believing in any religion is not at all a pre condition for prayer. It is a simple talk between the soul and the mind.
Many say language doesn’t matter in prayer. What is required is feeling. May be, I don’t know. What I know is each word of the following prayer hammers my mind and heart and that sheds away the dust and corrosion accumulated so far.
O Absolute energy! O Ultimate consciousness! Grant me the fearlessness to be myself. Grant me the knowledge to keep my body and mind healthy. Grant me the patience to understand, strength and courage to struggle. Grant me the wisdom to keep myself balanced even in harshest of situations and highest of rewards. Let every breath of my life be a learning and growth. The moment I stop growing and learning, let that moment be the end of my life.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Science n Spirituality
Science n Spirituality -- Is there any conflict between these two? Many modern, science loving people around the world would argue that it is the science that gives us all that is needed in life. It is well proven. We believe in electromagnetic induction, because the fan revolves etcetera.
I take it inverse way. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction was existing since the birth of the universe, Michel Faraday only discovered and named it. So far, man has discovered many principles/theories and it is continuously evolving. So we believe in science because we see the proofs in our daily life. Now consider this, try making blood and muscles out of rice, wheat, fish, egg and all the things we eat. Isn’t it amazing that this conversion has been taking place in our bodies since birth? How much do we understand about the science of this process? The ancient sages who discovered Yoga or Martial Arts, understood what posture would affect the body in what way, they experienced the tremendous benefits of breathing techniques, they found out the soothing and balancing effect of chanting of Oom on the brain, they discovered and practiced energy accumulation in human body and so on. Today many of these facts are proved by medical science. The Kirilian camera shows human aura. Those sages were spiritual. Don’t you think they were scientists too? Ok, let’s come to much recent past. Almost all major scientists Einstein, Marconi etc had spoken about spirituality. So I feel spirituality is also science, at a much higher level. One needs to raise his or her level to understand it.
I conclude it in this way. Both science and spirituality are searching TRUTH. But the difference is, science proves it and then believes it, but spirituality believes it and then proves it.
I take it inverse way. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction was existing since the birth of the universe, Michel Faraday only discovered and named it. So far, man has discovered many principles/theories and it is continuously evolving. So we believe in science because we see the proofs in our daily life. Now consider this, try making blood and muscles out of rice, wheat, fish, egg and all the things we eat. Isn’t it amazing that this conversion has been taking place in our bodies since birth? How much do we understand about the science of this process? The ancient sages who discovered Yoga or Martial Arts, understood what posture would affect the body in what way, they experienced the tremendous benefits of breathing techniques, they found out the soothing and balancing effect of chanting of Oom on the brain, they discovered and practiced energy accumulation in human body and so on. Today many of these facts are proved by medical science. The Kirilian camera shows human aura. Those sages were spiritual. Don’t you think they were scientists too? Ok, let’s come to much recent past. Almost all major scientists Einstein, Marconi etc had spoken about spirituality. So I feel spirituality is also science, at a much higher level. One needs to raise his or her level to understand it.
I conclude it in this way. Both science and spirituality are searching TRUTH. But the difference is, science proves it and then believes it, but spirituality believes it and then proves it.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
President of India
The news papers are speculating about the names of the next president of India. There were names of Mr. N. R. Narayanmurthy, Founder of Infosys Technologies, and the Bolywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan. In my openion, making a superstar president will not solve any purpose. What difference has Dr. Kalam made in the indian system during his tenure. He has no hands in policy making, removing corruption etc. He could not even hold the office of profit bill. I think he can best do teaching, research, writing books and inspiring youth rather than sitting in the Rashtrapati Bhawan. Similarly, I think IT secratory or IT minister will be a better suited role for Mr. Narayan Murthy rather than President. And Mr. Bachchan, let him make movies. I don't understand based on what leadership credentials his name is being considered for the post. It's funny. If glamour is the required criteria, I would suggest better names. Consider Mallika Sherawat PLEASE.
Inner Voice
Human conscience knows everything right. Whenever I attempt to do anything, I get a feeling whether it is right or wrong. It is wrong to compare human body with a machine. So human being cannot be treated like machines, they cannot work all good, expected thins all the time. But the ratio Good/Bad things done determines the personality.
There may be many people who don’t understand this distinction between good and bad all the time, but there are several, who, in spite of understanding it, still do the wrong deeds. That is because they have grown so sluggish, lazy and low of self respect that they often tend to go the easy, luxurious way. Once you get the habit of ignoring your conscience, you seldom do otherwise.
A hard working person is MUCH MORE satisfied than a lazy one.
Satisfaction gives happiness which is invaluable.
Work is offering to the divine.
Break the habit of ignoring your conscience.
Voice of your conscience is the voice of GOD.
Challenge yourself ALL THE TIME.
NEVER give up.
Today my conscience screams at me, “Enough, now if you are still reluctant to follow the above, you are a CRIMINAL and will remain the same forever.”
I feel filled with zeal and energy at the moment, but it should not be an impulsive one. Well, let’s see.
There may be many people who don’t understand this distinction between good and bad all the time, but there are several, who, in spite of understanding it, still do the wrong deeds. That is because they have grown so sluggish, lazy and low of self respect that they often tend to go the easy, luxurious way. Once you get the habit of ignoring your conscience, you seldom do otherwise.
A hard working person is MUCH MORE satisfied than a lazy one.
Satisfaction gives happiness which is invaluable.
Work is offering to the divine.
Break the habit of ignoring your conscience.
Voice of your conscience is the voice of GOD.
Challenge yourself ALL THE TIME.
NEVER give up.
Today my conscience screams at me, “Enough, now if you are still reluctant to follow the above, you are a CRIMINAL and will remain the same forever.”
I feel filled with zeal and energy at the moment, but it should not be an impulsive one. Well, let’s see.
Random Thoughts
11th April 2007; 2:44 PM, SDC Bangalore
Just now I was going through an article in Wikipedia explaining the Chaos theory. I wonder, if there exists any such theory which can explain CHAOS, will it still remain chaos? I mean, that which can be explained by any fixed theory, how can it be a chaos? Human mind tries to explain ALL what happens around it. And most of the time the explanation is wrong. Any explanation is accepted only till it is not proven wrong and the pages of history have enough proof that many (or most) of the theories which were once laws, were proved to be erratic later. So, what is correct? What/Whom should I trust? Why is everything so complex? My mind gets confused when I ponder into all these thoughts. Then some inner voice consoles, asks me to stop analyzing superficially. Think, is it not EVERYTHING part of nature? Nature is not only all the greenery, the rivers, the birds and the likes. Am I not a part of nature? Isn't the stones, buildings, solid, liquid and gas, everything part of nature? So, how can the man GENERATE anything which is already not a part of nature? He can't. What man does is, mixing two or more things (or ideas) to generate a third thing or idea. The science we know, knows that "Energy/matter can not be created, nor it can be destroyed." So, we can not create or destroy even a single molecule. It is only the inter-conversion from one form to another. When a child is born, are not the elements of nature used for its birth and growth? Now, human mind tries to explain every happening of the nature and evolve laws for that. So we can say that every single particle of this universe is bounded by certain law. Man only tries to understand those laws. All the possible experimental data is already scattered in the nature since genesis. Man only reveals some of those data through experiments. Nature is outside us, nature is within us. Every thought is a part of nature. Every thought has as real existence as any other physical object. The science knows that energy can travel from one place to another in invisible form (telecom signals for example). Is not thought also a kind of energy which is invisible but does a lot of powerful things? The science knows that every single particle has immense energy trapped in it. So why won't thoughts contain energy?
So every thought contains REAL energy. Let's move on. Science tells that every cause has an effect and every effect has one or many after effects. So thoughts also should have their effects. Every thought has its effect. That is why the masters of Yoga and different Martial arts emphasize on purity of thought. James Allen, in his classic book "As A Man Thinketh", has also stressed on the importance of pure thoughts.
Enough of preaching. Let me practice purifying my thoughts now.
Just now I was going through an article in Wikipedia explaining the Chaos theory. I wonder, if there exists any such theory which can explain CHAOS, will it still remain chaos? I mean, that which can be explained by any fixed theory, how can it be a chaos? Human mind tries to explain ALL what happens around it. And most of the time the explanation is wrong. Any explanation is accepted only till it is not proven wrong and the pages of history have enough proof that many (or most) of the theories which were once laws, were proved to be erratic later. So, what is correct? What/Whom should I trust? Why is everything so complex? My mind gets confused when I ponder into all these thoughts. Then some inner voice consoles, asks me to stop analyzing superficially. Think, is it not EVERYTHING part of nature? Nature is not only all the greenery, the rivers, the birds and the likes. Am I not a part of nature? Isn't the stones, buildings, solid, liquid and gas, everything part of nature? So, how can the man GENERATE anything which is already not a part of nature? He can't. What man does is, mixing two or more things (or ideas) to generate a third thing or idea. The science we know, knows that "Energy/matter can not be created, nor it can be destroyed." So, we can not create or destroy even a single molecule. It is only the inter-conversion from one form to another. When a child is born, are not the elements of nature used for its birth and growth? Now, human mind tries to explain every happening of the nature and evolve laws for that. So we can say that every single particle of this universe is bounded by certain law. Man only tries to understand those laws. All the possible experimental data is already scattered in the nature since genesis. Man only reveals some of those data through experiments. Nature is outside us, nature is within us. Every thought is a part of nature. Every thought has as real existence as any other physical object. The science knows that energy can travel from one place to another in invisible form (telecom signals for example). Is not thought also a kind of energy which is invisible but does a lot of powerful things? The science knows that every single particle has immense energy trapped in it. So why won't thoughts contain energy?
So every thought contains REAL energy. Let's move on. Science tells that every cause has an effect and every effect has one or many after effects. So thoughts also should have their effects. Every thought has its effect. That is why the masters of Yoga and different Martial arts emphasize on purity of thought. James Allen, in his classic book "As A Man Thinketh", has also stressed on the importance of pure thoughts.
Enough of preaching. Let me practice purifying my thoughts now.
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