My professor of Electrical Engineering once opined, “Sine wave is the most natural wave.” It seems to be true. Everything in this world has rise and fall. Be it our age, friendship, strength, beauty, knowledge, progress, wealth, happiness or anything. The sine wave has equal rise and fall at regular intervals. Physics tells that everything in this world has a natural frequency of vibration. That means everything, including the massive planets and stars, is vibrating. Vibrating in simple harmonic motion (a sine wave pattern).
So sine wave is the most natural wave which describes the behavior of the universe.
We don’t have the same level of affection with our mother as we had when we were babies; we could not live without mother then, and now we can easily be away from her for a few months or years.. Your love (or infatuation) towards your GF first increases till the peak and then reduces. Same is true for success and failure.
So don’t you worry if things are not going your way, it will one day. Yes efforts should be continuous else your sine wave wavelength may be comparable to your life span i.e. by the time success comes to you, you may be too old to enjoy it.