Monday, December 10, 2007

United States Air Force Museum Visit

First let me give you an idea of the kind of weather I am forced to survive here:

This weekend I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force, Dayton, Ohio. Dayton is the city of many scientists. Wright brothers, Neil Armstrong are the most famous among them. I hope the following pictures will give you a virtual visit to the museum:

Rotary Engine of an aircraft:

A Nazi bomber used in WW II:

An aircrft engine:

Camera used to photograph the target from the aircraft:

Three directional bullet firing by the pilot:

Some Nazi weapons:

909 Bomber:

The Wright Brothers:

Entering a giant bomber:


Surrounded by deadly bombs inside a bomber:

The Dream Girl:

Engineering complexity:

Nuclear Bomb:

A Rocket Engine:

Apollo 15:

Standing between giant rockets:

Space food:

Commander Doggy:

These are some of the pictures to give you a glimpse of the museum. All the arcrafts, missiles, rockets are reals and not the models (except commander doggy).
After visiting this museum I got the realization that I am not eligible to call myself an engineer coz the work I do is several light years behind the kind of engineering involved in these things.


Suzie said...

The museum is an engineering marvel. It does remind me about what I had studied in college but sadly I am not a part of it anymore.

Sushil said...

Yes Suzie, one really gets the FEEL of engineering when we see those awesome machines.

Priya Iyer said...

:) wunnerful pics!

Sushil said...

It feels soooo different when you go to the cockpit of those bombers. Words can't describe the feeling.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.