Tuesday, August 19, 2008


This story is no less than any crime detective novel or movie. If this is true (I think it is), congrats and thanks to the Gujrat police and their political leadership. We Indians never get tired of blaming our politicians for corruption, selfishness, hunger for power and what not. True most of the time. But there are a few who have proved that politicians make the difference. Modi is one of them. I have always believed that a leader should be tough and strong. I am sure unless there is ample pressure from the top, the police and intelligence will not work so fast.

If you also have the same question [How did the Gujarat police manage what the police in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Bengaluru could not do in the last two years?] here are a few excerpts from the above mentioned news story:

Modi has projected himself as a "different" leader because he provided safety to people in a country wracked by terrorism. But 18 blasts in 80 minutes seriously dented his image, and his only redemption lay in going about the investigation with professionalism.

By midnight of July 26 the ruling political leadership sprang into action to make senior policemen understand that their investigations will get 100 per cent support, nothing less nothing more. They had at their disposal money, resources, manpower and even a chartered plane.

"From July 26 (the day of blasts) to August 16 (when the breakthrough was announced) none of us went home to sleep. Every morning at 7 we would all go home and return after a shower and in fresh clothes. We would sleep on our chairs in the daytime. We haven't hit the bed yet," said Deputy Commissioner of Police Abhay Chudasama, who along with his boss Joint Commissioner of Police Ashish Bhatia and Rakesh Asthana, police commissioner of Baroda, played an important role in detecting the conspiracy behind the bomb blasts.

A news-hungry media was all the time "fooled" by leaking irrelevant stories and even sketches of the 'accused' were made only to "feed" the media. It was of no use to the investigators whatsoever. In reality, they were going down a different path.

By August 8-9, Modi knew his state police was just days away from success that has eluded the police in other Indian states wracked by terrorism.

Well, I am impressed by the professionalism (which has become an oxymoron to police) and the understanding of sense urgency. Read the full article if you want more details.


Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with your opinion. Nothing great has been done by Gujrat police. As the blast took place in Gujrat, it was the state police responsibility. They took information from all other state including central and worked out. First you have to understand why this happened. Neither hindu's should have done bad to muslim neither this would have happened. Moreover if you have CM like Modi, then it is not possible. If you think he is tough, he himself has taken soft approach to terrorism (post incident view from Modi). BJP can never end terrorism. They fuel it. This can be seen from recent incident in J&K.

Sushil said...

Dear Anonymous friend,

I do not intend to get into the debate of the root cause of terrorism, but if you believe that this happens because hindus have done something wrong with muslims, then I pity on your knowledge. Do you think an average Indian or American or Europian muslim agrees with your logic? Perhaps you can explain this happening in Gujrat (though I do not agree fully), but what about Bangalore, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Varanasi......Bali, Indonesia, UK, Germany, Berlin, Madrid, ....and Iraq, Afganistan????? What about muslims killing muslims?

I praise Gujrat police as no other state police could give results so fast in similar incidents.

Regarding J&K happening, I am sorry to say that I do not want to discuss with you on this blog if you have this hostile approach towards things.

Anonymous said...

I do not want to comment about whole world. What happend in Gujrat is known to all? May be you are closing your eyes.

As far as Gujrat police is concerned, they just did their duty (After blast).
Where was the police before blast?
Why did not they caught hold of these terrorist?
Where was the police during Gujrat riots?
Was it not Modi as CM that time?

There has been number of times Maharashtra police catch hold of explosives and defuses terror plot. This is what should be appricate. Still it takes place.

Sushil said...

Yes, no doubt, intelligence needs improvent to prevent such blasts. I only appriciate the good work done by Gujrat police in this case which, I think, they deserve. Thanks for the discussion. I hope our opinions match on other topics.