Thursday, September 18, 2008

Islamic Terrorism

Everytime there is a terrorist attack in India, they start the same old debate on TV channels. All the "SECULAR" speakers tell us "Terror has no religion." "We can not claim it as islamic terrorism." "Terrorists belong to no community." etc. etc. Everytime they talk about Gujarat riots and justify that there are communal people in all religions. I agree. But my dear SECULAR friends, please tell me, Is there ANY member of Al-Qaida, Laskar-e-Taiyaba, Taliban, Indian Mujahiddin..... who is a non-Muslim? If terror has no religion, why do not the muslim people and their leaders come to streets and condemn the terrorists? We only see one of two TOKEN gesture from these people, no serious effort.
So if somebody like poet Johar Kanpuri condemns terrorists openly, I can not but praise him for this brave step.

So I would say it IS islamic terrorism and will remain so as long as the muslim community makes serious effort to change this perception.


Udan Tashtari said...

हमें तो मुशायरा सुनकर आनन्द आ गया!! वाह!!

Sushil said...

Samirji, I am so glad to see you at my blog. To say the least, I am a big fan of UdanTashtari and not missed a single post since a year. It's olnly that I never commented there as all your posts are always flooded with enough comments.