Monday, December 10, 2007

गंदे फिरंगी

After reading this, I don't think I would ever want to go to UK :-)
But wait, can't it be true for the USA people as well?
Ram Ram Ram.....Thank God I am flying back to India this weekend. A dip in the holy Ganga will be my first priority when I visit my hometown Varanasi (Banaras) soon after. :-)

PS: I am sure this is not true for Indians, what do you say?


Rahul said...

ha ha ha ha!! may be climate also plays a big role! in the higher regions of himalays, 'gaddis' go shitting once in a week, forget taking bath!!!

Suzie said...

It can be true of anyone. it just depends on the climate and the habits.Be sure that you take a dip in the Ganges :)

Sushil said...

Suzie, climate is one thing, but they have all the facilities in the houses. Though the weather is extremely cold but in these countries you feel it only while getting into and coming out of the car, for a couple of minutes max.

And if several millions of people follow this then it cannot be isolated as "individual habit" phenominan.

Priya Iyer said...


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