Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Random Thoughts

11th April 2007; 2:44 PM, SDC Bangalore

Just now I was going through an article in Wikipedia explaining the Chaos theory. I wonder, if there exists any such theory which can explain CHAOS, will it still remain chaos? I mean, that which can be explained by any fixed theory, how can it be a chaos? Human mind tries to explain ALL what happens around it. And most of the time the explanation is wrong. Any explanation is accepted only till it is not proven wrong and the pages of history have enough proof that many (or most) of the theories which were once laws, were proved to be erratic later. So, what is correct? What/Whom should I trust? Why is everything so complex? My mind gets confused when I ponder into all these thoughts. Then some inner voice consoles, asks me to stop analyzing superficially. Think, is it not EVERYTHING part of nature? Nature is not only all the greenery, the rivers, the birds and the likes. Am I not a part of nature? Isn't the stones, buildings, solid, liquid and gas, everything part of nature? So, how can the man GENERATE anything which is already not a part of nature? He can't. What man does is, mixing two or more things (or ideas) to generate a third thing or idea. The science we know, knows that "Energy/matter can not be created, nor it can be destroyed." So, we can not create or destroy even a single molecule. It is only the inter-conversion from one form to another. When a child is born, are not the elements of nature used for its birth and growth? Now, human mind tries to explain every happening of the nature and evolve laws for that. So we can say that every single particle of this universe is bounded by certain law. Man only tries to understand those laws. All the possible experimental data is already scattered in the nature since genesis. Man only reveals some of those data through experiments. Nature is outside us, nature is within us. Every thought is a part of nature. Every thought has as real existence as any other physical object. The science knows that energy can travel from one place to another in invisible form (telecom signals for example). Is not thought also a kind of energy which is invisible but does a lot of powerful things? The science knows that every single particle has immense energy trapped in it. So why won't thoughts contain energy?
So every thought contains REAL energy. Let's move on. Science tells that every cause has an effect and every effect has one or many after effects. So thoughts also should have their effects. Every thought has its effect. That is why the masters of Yoga and different Martial arts emphasize on purity of thought. James Allen, in his classic book "As A Man Thinketh", has also stressed on the importance of pure thoughts.
Enough of preaching. Let me practice purifying my thoughts now.


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