Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Self Respect

Self Respect or Self Esteem, what is that?? Easy question isn’t it? We all know what it means. It’s just respecting our identity and pride. It’s the understanding of what we are capable of and what we are not.
We, the educated people are supposed to be aware of this simple thing. But are we? All the time I see people buttering the boss for a promotion, a foreign country work assignment, a good salary hike etc. Almost all the time killing their SELF RESPECT. Is it necessary? Won’t these things come automatically to the deserving person? I strongly believe IT WILL.

The nature is balanced all the time, in all the aspects. Each particle is gravitationally balanced. From Newtonian physics we understand that in a force balanced system of objects if we displace even a single particle or object, the entire system will collapse. So, if we move a book from one place to another, all the other object movements (done by others) happen in such a way that it balances the system again. Similarly each person’s deeds good or bad are balanced all the time. At any given time, we only get what we deserve. I repeat, we get only what we deserve. No one can break the law of nature. So, first deserve and then desire. You will get it.

If we understand this fact, why do we sacrifice our self esteem trying to achieve something? Does it suit a graduate person to beg to his boss for a good pay hike? The market is open. If he doesn’t get what he deserves, he can change the company. Remember, a beggar never deserves anything.
Today I ask myself, “Do I really respect my self respect?” The answer will probably determine my career direction.

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