Till now I have never posted a forwarded email on my blog but I could not stop myself from sharing this one with you all. (I don't know if I have many readers :-)
This was indeed an eye opener for me. I had never thought of this acpect of economy and wars.
Here it goes:
Why the Dollar Bubble is about to Burst?
The Voice (issue 264 -) ran an article beginning, ' Iran has really gone
and done it now. No, they haven't sent their first nuclear sub in to the
Persian Gulf . They are about to launch something much more deadly -- next
week the Iran Bourse will open to trade oil, not n dollars but in Euros'
This apparently insignificant event has consequences far greater for the
US people, indeed all for us all, than is imaginable.
Currently almost all oil buying and selling is in US-dollars through
exchanges in London and New York . It is not accidental they are both
The Wall Street crash in 1929 sparked off global depression and World War
II. During that war the US supplied provisions and munitions to all its
allies, refusing currency and demanding gold payments in exchange.
By 1945, 80% of the world's gold was sitting in US vaults. The dollar
became the one undisputed global reserve currency -- it was treated
world-wide as `safer than gold'. The Bretton Woods agreement was
The US took full advantage over the next decades and printed dollars like
there was no tomorrow. The US exported many mountains of dollars, paying
for ever-increasing amounts of commodities, tax cuts for the rich, many
wars abroad, mercenaries, spies and politicians the world over. You see,
this did not affect inflation at home! The US got it all for free! Well,
maybe for a forest or two.
Over subsequent decades the world's vaults bulged at the seams and more
and more vaults were built, just for US dollars. Each year, the US spends
many more dollars abroad that at home. Analysts pretty much agree that
outside the US , of the savings, or reserves, of all other countries, in
gold and all currencies -- that a massive 66% of this total wealth is in
US dollars!
In 1971 several countries simultaneously tried to sell a small portion of
their dollars to the US for gold. Krassimir Petrov, (Ph. D. in Economics
at Ohio University ) recently wrote, 'The US Government defaulted on its
payment on August 15, 1971 . While popular spin told the story of
`severing the link between the dollar and gold', in reality the denial to
pay back in gold was an act of bankruptcy by the US Government.' The 1945
Breton Woods agreement was unilaterally smashed.
The dollar and US economy were on a precipice resembling Germany in 1929.
The US now had to find a way for the rest of the world to believe and have
faith in the paper dollar. The solution was in oil, in the petrodollar.
The US viciously bullied first Saudi Arabia and then OPEC to sell oil for
dollars only -- it worked, the dollar was saved. Now countries had to keep
dollars to buy much needed oil. And the US could buy oil all over the
world, free of charge. What a Houdini for the US ! Oil replaced gold as
the new foundation to stop the paper dollar sinking.
Since 1971, the US printed even more mountains of dollars to spend abroad.
The trade deficit grew and grew. The US sucked-in much of the world's
products for next to nothing. More vaults were built.
Expert, C¨®il¨ªnn Nunan, wrote in 2003, 'The dollar is the de facto world
reserve currency: the US currency accounts for approximately two thirds of
all official exchange reserves. More than four-fifths of all foreign
exchange transactions and half of all world exports are denominated in
dollars. In addition, all IMF loans are denominated in dollars.'
Dr Bulent Gukay of Keele University recently wrote, 'This system of the
US dollar acting as global reserve currency in oil trade keeps the demand
for the dollar `artificially' high. This enables the US to carry out
printing dollars at the price of next to nothing to fund increased
military spending and consumer spending on imports. There is no
theoretical limit to the amount of dollars that can be printed. As long as
the US has no serious challengers, and the other states have confidence in
the US dollar, the system functions.'
Until recently, the US-dollar has been safe. However, since 1990 Western
Europe has been busy growing, swallowing up central and Eastern Europe .
French and German bosses were jealous of the US ability to buy goods and
people the world over for nothing. They wanted a slice of the free cake
Further, they now had the power and established the euro in late 1999
against massive US-inspired opposition across Europe , especially from
Britain - paid for in dollars of course. But the euro succeeded.
Only months after the euro-launch, Saddam's Iraq announced it was
switching from selling oil in dollars only, to euros only -- breaking the
OPEC agreement.. Iran , Russia , Venezuela , Libya , all began talking
openly of switching too -- were the floodgates about to be opened?
Then aero planes flew into the twin-towers in September 2001. Was this
another Houdini chance to save the US (petro) dollar and the biggest
financial/economic crash in history? War preparations began in the US But
first war-fever had to be created -- and truth was the first casualty.
Other oil producing countries watched-on. In 2000 Iraq began selling oil
in euros.
In 2002, Iraq changed all their petro-dollars in their vaults into euros.
A few months later, the US began their invasion of Iraq .
The whole world was watching: very few aware that the US was engaging in
the first oil currency, or petro-dollar war. After the invasion of Iraq in
March 2003, remember, the US secured oil areas first. Their first sales in
August were, of course, in dollars, again. The only government building in
Baghdad not bombed was the Oil Ministry! It does not matter how many
people are murdered -- for the US , the petro-dollar must be saved as the
only way to buy and sell oil - otherwise the US economy will crash, and
much more besides.
In early 2003, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela talked openly of
selling half of its oil in euros (the other half is bought by the US ). On
12 April 2003 , the US-supported business leaders and some generals in
Venezuela kidnapped Chavez and attempted a coup. The masses rose against
this and the Army followed suit. The coup failed. This was bad for the US
In November 2000 the euro/dollar was at $0.82 dollars, its lowest ever,
and still diving, but when Iraq started selling oil in euros, the euro
dive was halted. In April 2002 senior OPEC reps talked about trading in
euros and the euro shot up. In June 2003 the US occupiers of Iraq switched
trading back to dollars and the euro fell against the dollar again. In
August 2003 Iran starts to sell oil in euros to some European countries
and the euro rises sharply. In the winter of 2003-4 Russian and OPEC
politicians talked seriously of switching oil/gas sales to the euro and
the euro rose. In February 2004 OPEC met and made no decision to turn to
the euro -- and yes, the euro fell against the dollar. In June 2004 Iran
announced it would build an oil bourse to rival London and New York , and
again, the euro rose. The euro stands at $1.27 and has been climbing of
But matters this month became far, far worse for the US dollar. On 5th May
Iran registered its own Oil Bourse, the IOB. Not only are they now selling
oil in euros from abroad -- they have established an actual Oil Bourse, a
global trading centre for all countries to buy and sell their oil!
In Chavez's recent visit to London ; he talked openly about supporting the
Iranian Oil Bourse, and selling oil in euros. When asked in London about
the new arms embargo imposed by the US against Venezuela , Chavez
prophetically dismissed the US as 'a paper tiger'.
Currently, almost all the world's oil is sold on either the NYMEX, New
York Mercantile Exchange, or the IPE, London's International Petroleum
Both are owned by US citizens and both sell and buy only in US dollars.
The success of the Iran Oil Bourse makes sense to Europe , which buys 70%
of Iran 's oil. It makes sense for Russia , which sells 66% of its oil to
Europe . But worse for the US , China and India have already stated they
are very interested in the new Iranian Oil Bourse.
If there is a tactical-nuclear strike on - deja-vu - `weapons of mass
destruction' in Iran , who would bet against a certain Oil Exchange and
more, being bombed too?
And worse for Bush. It makes sense for Europe , China , India and Japan--
as well as all the other countries mentioned above -- to buy and sell oil
in Euro's. They will certainly have to stock-up on euros now, and they
will sell dollars to do so. The euro is far more stable than the
debt-ridden dollar. The IMF has recently highlighted US economic
difficulties and the trade deficit strangling the US-- there is no way
The problem for so many countries now is how to get rid of their vaults
full of dollars, before it crashes? And the US has bullied so many
countries for so many decades around the world, that many will see a
chance to kick the bully back. The US cannot accept even 5% of the world's
dollars -- it would crash the US economy dragging much of the world with
it, especially Britain .
To survive, as the Scottish Socialist Voice article stated, 'the US ,
needs to generate a trade surplus to get out of this one. Problem is it
This is spot on. To do that they must force US workers into near slavery,
to get paid less than Chinese or Indian workers. We all know that this
will not happen.
What will happen in the US ? Chaos for sure. Maybe a workers revolution,
but looking at the situation as it is now, it is more likely to be a
re-run of Germany post-1929, and some form of extreme-right mass movement
will emerge...
Does Europe and China/Asia have the economic independence and strength to
stop the whole world's economies collapsing with the US ? Their vaults are
full to the brim with dollars.
The US has to find a way to pay for its dollar-imperialist exploitation of
the world since 1945.. Somehow, eventually, it has to account for every
dollar in every vault in the world.
Bombing Iran could backfire tremendously. It would bring Iran openly into
the war in Iraq , behind the Shiite majority. The US cannot cope even now
with the much smaller Iraqi insurgency. Perhaps the US will feed into the
Sunni v Shiite conflict and turn it into a wider Middle-East civil-war.
However, this is so dangerous for global oil supplies. Further, they know
that this would be temporary, as some country somewhere else, will
establish a euro-oil-exchange, perhaps in Brussels .
There is one `solution' -- scrap the dollar and print a whole new currency
for the US . This will destroy 66% of the rest of the world's
savings/reserves in one swoop. Imagine the implications? Such are the
desperate things now swimming around heads in the White House, Wall Street
and Pentagon.
Another is to do as Germany did, just before invading Poland in 1938. The
Nazis filmed a mock Polish Army attack on Germany , to win hearts and
minds at home. But again, this is a finger in the dam. So, how is the US
going to escape this time? The only global arena of total superiority left
is military. Who knows what horrors lie ahead. A new world war is one tool
by which the US could discipline its `allies' into keeping the dollar in
their vaults.
The task of socialists today is to explain to as many as possible,
especially our class, that the coming crisis belongs purely to capitalism
and (dollar) imperialism. Not people of other cultures, not Islam, not the
axis of evil or their so-called WMDs. Their system alone is to blame.
The new Iranian Oil Bourse, the IOB, is situated in a new building on the
free-trade-zone island of Kish , in the Persian Gulf . It's computers and
software are all set to go. The IOB was supposed to be up and running last
March, but many pressures forced a postponement. Where the pressure came
from is obvious. It was internationally registered on 5th May and supposed
to open mid-May, but its opening was put off, some saying the oil-mafia
was involved, along with much international pressure.
In 2007 Crude was trad ed around 60 usd. Everyone kn e w dollar was
getting weaker and weaker day by day. Th e n US with the help of their two
NYMEX & IPE exchange started rising the price of crude by Future trading
on crude( called speculation). Today crude is around 140 usd. It means
whole world who were paying 60 usd, are now paying 140 usd, which means
demand of dollar has gone upto 230% and dollar start ed rising again.
Looks like this was written 6 months back.
Thanks Sandeep for sharing this article.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Indian Ocean: The Music band
Came across this band called Indian Ocean. Liked their music a lot. Here is a sample. You can get other songs like BHOR, JHINI etc in youtube, if you have not already seen those.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Defeated India
Over the last 40 hours, when the news channels are as hit as they can be my heart is full of sorrow, eyes wet and mind full of rage. I, like many fellow Indians, am in the same state of mind as the protagonist of the recent movie The Wednesday. I mean, a handful of terrorists could literally take a country of over a billion people hostage. Yes, it is an attack on Mumbai, on India, on Indian pride, on Indian intelligence, on Indian military, on each Indian. And the terrorists could not be more successful. We are a defeated nation.
The external affairs minister of India Mr. Pranab Mukharjee again warns Pakistan against letting its territory used for terrorist activities. Hello Mr. Mukherjee, YOU ARE the one letting your territory used for terrorist activities. Gone are the days when Pakistan was the only major source of terrorists. Have you forgotten the evidences of terrorist training camps in the forests of Kerala, Karnataka and elsewhere in India? Yes, all planning, training and execution is happening in India and done by INDIANS. Funding may be from outside. And this is no secret to anybody. You do not need an intelligence force or a high level inquiry to know this. Ask a street kid and he will tell you the fact.
In India, there is no preventive detention law, and prosecutions can take years. The Wall Street Journal blames our politicians for this.
And rightly so. Now the pathetic situation of training and equipments of our elite forces like NSG and ATS is an open secret. Whose responsibility is it to make sure that our forces are well trained and equipped? Who will provide required money and international collaborations to do so? Any answers Mr. Singh, Mr. Mukharjee, Mr. Patil or Mrs.Gandhi?? The poor brave soldiers are just giving their lives for us. The poor public is giving their lives.
On the other hand, half of the cops are busy planning the security of our politicians. Mayawati's security apparatus has 350 cops, 34 vehicles.
Nothing is happening which could give us hope of a better future. Worse is a realistic possibility. I have no faith left on political leadership in India.
The external affairs minister of India Mr. Pranab Mukharjee again warns Pakistan against letting its territory used for terrorist activities. Hello Mr. Mukherjee, YOU ARE the one letting your territory used for terrorist activities. Gone are the days when Pakistan was the only major source of terrorists. Have you forgotten the evidences of terrorist training camps in the forests of Kerala, Karnataka and elsewhere in India? Yes, all planning, training and execution is happening in India and done by INDIANS. Funding may be from outside. And this is no secret to anybody. You do not need an intelligence force or a high level inquiry to know this. Ask a street kid and he will tell you the fact.
In India, there is no preventive detention law, and prosecutions can take years. The Wall Street Journal blames our politicians for this.
And rightly so. Now the pathetic situation of training and equipments of our elite forces like NSG and ATS is an open secret. Whose responsibility is it to make sure that our forces are well trained and equipped? Who will provide required money and international collaborations to do so? Any answers Mr. Singh, Mr. Mukharjee, Mr. Patil or Mrs.Gandhi?? The poor brave soldiers are just giving their lives for us. The poor public is giving their lives.
On the other hand, half of the cops are busy planning the security of our politicians. Mayawati's security apparatus has 350 cops, 34 vehicles.
Nothing is happening which could give us hope of a better future. Worse is a realistic possibility. I have no faith left on political leadership in India.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Good Bye JUMBO…Cricket Will Be Poorer Without You.

It has been quite some time since I last scribbled here. And I thought I would pay my tributes to my all time sports icon Anil Kumble aka JUMBO.
Kumble has been my favorite Indian cricketer since about 10 years, so I can say that I belong to his longest serving fan-club.
I know that India is full of cricket pundits, and many of them may not agree when I say that Kumble has won more matches (particularly the Test matches) for India than ANY other player EVER. That is why I think he is the GREATEST Indian cricketer ever.
A few points about his personal life I copied from Wikipedia:
Anil Kumble was born in Bangalore.
His family, of Kannadiga origin, takes its name from Kumble village situated in the Kasaragod district of Kerala, close to the Karnataka border: his paternal great grandfather hailed from this village while his maternal family hails from Karnataka.
He is married to Chethana Ramatheertha. Anil has 3 children - daughter Aaruni (from Chethana's previous marriage), son Mayas and the youngest Svasti (daughter).
Kumble began playing cricket on streets of Bangalore and joined a club called Young Cricketers when he was 13 years old. Kumble did his primary schooling at Holy Saint English School and his high schooling at National High School, Basavanagudi. He got his Pre-University College education from National College, Basavanagudi. Kumble graduated from Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering in 1991-92. Anil's studious dispensation is not without a basis in fact. Prior to his selection for the England tour, he did exceedingly well in his academics passing mechanical engineering with distinction in the top of his class.
He has a nickname Jumbo not only because his deliveries, for a spinner, are "as fast as a Jumbo jet", but also because his feet are quite big or Jumbo as observed by his team-mates.
It is rare to find a sportsperson who is so good in studies, that too the person of the sporting excellence of Kumble.
For a person who gave up fast bowling because of a jerky action, it is amazing to be so successful as a spinner. Since he did not have the turn of Shane Warne or Murali, I think he had the best mind of a bowler to outthink the batsmen.
On top of that, his discipline as a player was second to none. I have never heard of any penalty or disciplinary action against him ever. He has been a 100% team player. Never cared more about personal milestones over the team cause. While all the players say so about themselves, we all know that many of them actually do the reverse.
Dear Jumbo, wish you all the best for your future. And now that you will have some free time, I hope to meet you someday in Bangalore.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Book Meme
I picked this one from Rahul's and Priya's blogs.
What was the last book you bought?
The Trap by Tabitha King, A million Nightingales by Susan Straight. Both fictions.
Has a book ever fundamentally changed the way you see life? If yes, what was it?
None, no drastic change in my line of thinking, but many have contributed in thought process. Bhagwadgita by Ved Vyas and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand are two of them.
How do you choose a book? eg. by cover design and summary, recommendations or reviews?
All of these.
Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction?
I read both alternatively.
What’s more important in a novel - beautiful writing or a gripping plot?
Of course, gripping plot.
Most loved/memorable character (character/book)?
Memorable: Chandar from the novel Gunahon Ka Devta by Dharmvir Bharti
Loved: Karna from the poetic book Rashmirathi by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar.
Which book or books can be found on your nightstand at the moment?
Maximum City by Suketu Mehta.
What was the last book you’ve read, and when was it?
The Story of My Experiments with Truth by M. K. Gandhi. Finished last week, took a month to read it.
Have you ever given up on a book half way in?
Don't remember any.
What was the last book you bought?
The Trap by Tabitha King, A million Nightingales by Susan Straight. Both fictions.
Has a book ever fundamentally changed the way you see life? If yes, what was it?
None, no drastic change in my line of thinking, but many have contributed in thought process. Bhagwadgita by Ved Vyas and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand are two of them.
How do you choose a book? eg. by cover design and summary, recommendations or reviews?
All of these.
Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction?
I read both alternatively.
What’s more important in a novel - beautiful writing or a gripping plot?
Of course, gripping plot.
Most loved/memorable character (character/book)?
Memorable: Chandar from the novel Gunahon Ka Devta by Dharmvir Bharti
Loved: Karna from the poetic book Rashmirathi by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar.
Which book or books can be found on your nightstand at the moment?
Maximum City by Suketu Mehta.
What was the last book you’ve read, and when was it?
The Story of My Experiments with Truth by M. K. Gandhi. Finished last week, took a month to read it.
Have you ever given up on a book half way in?
Don't remember any.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Value of Life in India - II
I wrote this piece after the Naina Devi temple stampede comparing deaths caused by terrorist attacks and stampedes. And now after another tragic incident at Chamundeshwari temple in Jodhpur, The Times of India also points out the same with death counts:
In 2008, stampedes have killed 360, blasts 156
Have we become a society with no sense of understanding at all? I still stand by the opinion that if the authorities really act, these accidents can be avoided. I mean, do not allow more than a certain number of people at a time in the temple premises, provide more number of exits, wide exit gates, route the people properly. Common, this is not a rocket science to do. Agreed, it is difficult to implement, but is it not worth doing if so many lives are at stake??
In 2008, stampedes have killed 360, blasts 156
Have we become a society with no sense of understanding at all? I still stand by the opinion that if the authorities really act, these accidents can be avoided. I mean, do not allow more than a certain number of people at a time in the temple premises, provide more number of exits, wide exit gates, route the people properly. Common, this is not a rocket science to do. Agreed, it is difficult to implement, but is it not worth doing if so many lives are at stake??
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Islamic Terrorism
Everytime there is a terrorist attack in India, they start the same old debate on TV channels. All the "SECULAR" speakers tell us "Terror has no religion." "We can not claim it as islamic terrorism." "Terrorists belong to no community." etc. etc. Everytime they talk about Gujarat riots and justify that there are communal people in all religions. I agree. But my dear SECULAR friends, please tell me, Is there ANY member of Al-Qaida, Laskar-e-Taiyaba, Taliban, Indian Mujahiddin..... who is a non-Muslim? If terror has no religion, why do not the muslim people and their leaders come to streets and condemn the terrorists? We only see one of two TOKEN gesture from these people, no serious effort.
So if somebody like poet Johar Kanpuri condemns terrorists openly, I can not but praise him for this brave step.
So I would say it IS islamic terrorism and will remain so as long as the muslim community makes serious effort to change this perception.
So if somebody like poet Johar Kanpuri condemns terrorists openly, I can not but praise him for this brave step.
So I would say it IS islamic terrorism and will remain so as long as the muslim community makes serious effort to change this perception.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Opportunity Knocks Our Door - II
A month back I wrote this post about how india can be a potential exporter of nuclear energy technology or more easily the exporter of nuclear energy technology professionals. Now that the completion of Indo-US (and Indo-world) nuclear deal is round the corner, it is time the country recognise the opportunity.
1. Big corporate houses should make JVs with Europian and American companies to provide nuclear technologies. Which they have started doing. This news confirms it.
2. Scientists at Atomic Energy Commission of India (AEC), BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Center) and the likes should work with primier engineering institutes to design carriculum and start specialized undergraduate and PG courses.
3. And of course, the govt. should make the task easier for the companies and engineering institutes by making supportive policies, providing adequate funds, helping indian companies deplomatically to clinch deals with western companies.
This may well be another BIG thing for india the future. May be as big as indian IT services industry of today.
1. Big corporate houses should make JVs with Europian and American companies to provide nuclear technologies. Which they have started doing. This news confirms it.
2. Scientists at Atomic Energy Commission of India (AEC), BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Center) and the likes should work with primier engineering institutes to design carriculum and start specialized undergraduate and PG courses.
3. And of course, the govt. should make the task easier for the companies and engineering institutes by making supportive policies, providing adequate funds, helping indian companies deplomatically to clinch deals with western companies.
This may well be another BIG thing for india the future. May be as big as indian IT services industry of today.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
This story is no less than any crime detective novel or movie. If this is true (I think it is), congrats and thanks to the Gujrat police and their political leadership. We Indians never get tired of blaming our politicians for corruption, selfishness, hunger for power and what not. True most of the time. But there are a few who have proved that politicians make the difference. Modi is one of them. I have always believed that a leader should be tough and strong. I am sure unless there is ample pressure from the top, the police and intelligence will not work so fast.
If you also have the same question [How did the Gujarat police manage what the police in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Bengaluru could not do in the last two years?] here are a few excerpts from the above mentioned news story:
Modi has projected himself as a "different" leader because he provided safety to people in a country wracked by terrorism. But 18 blasts in 80 minutes seriously dented his image, and his only redemption lay in going about the investigation with professionalism.
By midnight of July 26 the ruling political leadership sprang into action to make senior policemen understand that their investigations will get 100 per cent support, nothing less nothing more. They had at their disposal money, resources, manpower and even a chartered plane.
"From July 26 (the day of blasts) to August 16 (when the breakthrough was announced) none of us went home to sleep. Every morning at 7 we would all go home and return after a shower and in fresh clothes. We would sleep on our chairs in the daytime. We haven't hit the bed yet," said Deputy Commissioner of Police Abhay Chudasama, who along with his boss Joint Commissioner of Police Ashish Bhatia and Rakesh Asthana, police commissioner of Baroda, played an important role in detecting the conspiracy behind the bomb blasts.
A news-hungry media was all the time "fooled" by leaking irrelevant stories and even sketches of the 'accused' were made only to "feed" the media. It was of no use to the investigators whatsoever. In reality, they were going down a different path.
By August 8-9, Modi knew his state police was just days away from success that has eluded the police in other Indian states wracked by terrorism.
Well, I am impressed by the professionalism (which has become an oxymoron to police) and the understanding of sense urgency. Read the full article if you want more details.
If you also have the same question [How did the Gujarat police manage what the police in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Bengaluru could not do in the last two years?] here are a few excerpts from the above mentioned news story:
Modi has projected himself as a "different" leader because he provided safety to people in a country wracked by terrorism. But 18 blasts in 80 minutes seriously dented his image, and his only redemption lay in going about the investigation with professionalism.
By midnight of July 26 the ruling political leadership sprang into action to make senior policemen understand that their investigations will get 100 per cent support, nothing less nothing more. They had at their disposal money, resources, manpower and even a chartered plane.
"From July 26 (the day of blasts) to August 16 (when the breakthrough was announced) none of us went home to sleep. Every morning at 7 we would all go home and return after a shower and in fresh clothes. We would sleep on our chairs in the daytime. We haven't hit the bed yet," said Deputy Commissioner of Police Abhay Chudasama, who along with his boss Joint Commissioner of Police Ashish Bhatia and Rakesh Asthana, police commissioner of Baroda, played an important role in detecting the conspiracy behind the bomb blasts.
A news-hungry media was all the time "fooled" by leaking irrelevant stories and even sketches of the 'accused' were made only to "feed" the media. It was of no use to the investigators whatsoever. In reality, they were going down a different path.
By August 8-9, Modi knew his state police was just days away from success that has eluded the police in other Indian states wracked by terrorism.
Well, I am impressed by the professionalism (which has become an oxymoron to police) and the understanding of sense urgency. Read the full article if you want more details.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Value of Life in India
The blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad caused about 50 deaths. That's sad, unfortunate and alarming. But what about the "at least 146 deaths" caused by stampede at the Naina devi temple in Himachal Pradesh? If terrorism is a big problem, isn't these kind of carelessness thrice big problem? The amount of money and jewellery offered at these religious places is huge. The Tirupati Balaji temple, Rameshwaram, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Dwarika, Badrinath, Jagannath Puri, Siddhi Vinayak, Akshardham, ....and so many other famous religious places get crores of Rupees daily. Why can't the corresponding trusts make enough arrangements so that such incidents do not happen? Is it such a big problem to avoid a stampede? Having seen many of these temples I think it can be done. If only the trustees of the temples care about human life more than wealth accumulation.
This, added with the ailing bridges over many rivers across the country is killing and will kill many more people than the terrorism is.
This, added with the ailing bridges over many rivers across the country is killing and will kill many more people than the terrorism is.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Opportunity Knocks Our Door
Since many years I have been a big fan of Swaminomics, the editorial column of Swaminathan Iyer in the Sunday Times of India. If you see the sunday times of last 3-4 years (I do not know before that as I used to read some other newspaper before that) he has regularly talked about the energy security. Here is another article on this issue.
The IT services industry has changed India in a way no one would have imagined. Most of the people of my father's generation never went outside India though they had the higher educational qualifications. And when I see my orkut profile I find my classmates all over the globe. Could a farmer or a clerk imagine that his son/daughter would go to Europe, Japan, USA, Australia.... But that's reality today. And that's just one of the many ways IT industry has impacted us.
But India should not think that IT services would keep pumping in money forever. The way Bajaj used to think in 80s that Chetak would sell forever. Time changes, and it does faster than one relizes. It is time we should come up as superpower in some other area also. Energy services could be one such area. We could not become exporters of IT products but we became dominant exporters of IT services. The same way, we cannot become energy exporters but we can become dominant exporters of energy services. This includes nuclear power plants, equipments, manufacturing, commissioning, maintenance and manpower suppliers. This is going to be a HUGE industry in 10 years time.
The IT services industry has changed India in a way no one would have imagined. Most of the people of my father's generation never went outside India though they had the higher educational qualifications. And when I see my orkut profile I find my classmates all over the globe. Could a farmer or a clerk imagine that his son/daughter would go to Europe, Japan, USA, Australia.... But that's reality today. And that's just one of the many ways IT industry has impacted us.
But India should not think that IT services would keep pumping in money forever. The way Bajaj used to think in 80s that Chetak would sell forever. Time changes, and it does faster than one relizes. It is time we should come up as superpower in some other area also. Energy services could be one such area. We could not become exporters of IT products but we became dominant exporters of IT services. The same way, we cannot become energy exporters but we can become dominant exporters of energy services. This includes nuclear power plants, equipments, manufacturing, commissioning, maintenance and manpower suppliers. This is going to be a HUGE industry in 10 years time.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Without Title
Hadu Bondhu Das, a farmer in Kalahandi district of Orissa, a father of 3 children, is contemplating suicide. The never ending draught and loan has left no hope for the future.
Rajiv Ranjan 'Guddu' (who was a good student once) has formed a gang of four to kidnap kids of rich people in Bhgalpur, Katihar, Munger and Begusarai districts region of Bihar. The joblessness in the state has left nothing except this way of earning a living for him and his gang men.
Jokhu Prasad now works as a daily laborer in his village in Gorakhpur, UP at less than half of what he used to earn two months back as an autorikshaw driver in Mumbai. The wave of attacks on North Indians in the city had left him bleeding on the streets two months back. He somehow managed to flee away with his wife Putli and daughter Renu.
Khumukcham Gokul is planning another bloody revolution for Gorkhaland statehood. He thinks that the growth of his community people is not possible in WB.
Naxal groups in Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, AP, Chattisgarh are planning a united approach to combat the police.
Ratan, a clerk at municipality office of Jabalpur has decided to take out his both sons from convent school and enroll them in a government school where his two daughters study. He can not afford the increased school fee of the convent school.
Gopichandar and his family of 4 arrived to Hyderabad this morning. Looking for daily laborer job. Their farmland in Guntur district in AP has been taken by govt which will be used for an SEZ.
Shobhit, a newly joined SET of Infosys has postponded the plan to buy a bike for now and will go to office by BMTC bus. Reason: Increased fuel price and heavy traffic in Bangalore.
The prime minister of India has won the trust vote in parliament today.
At least somebody is happy in India.
Rajiv Ranjan 'Guddu' (who was a good student once) has formed a gang of four to kidnap kids of rich people in Bhgalpur, Katihar, Munger and Begusarai districts region of Bihar. The joblessness in the state has left nothing except this way of earning a living for him and his gang men.
Jokhu Prasad now works as a daily laborer in his village in Gorakhpur, UP at less than half of what he used to earn two months back as an autorikshaw driver in Mumbai. The wave of attacks on North Indians in the city had left him bleeding on the streets two months back. He somehow managed to flee away with his wife Putli and daughter Renu.
Khumukcham Gokul is planning another bloody revolution for Gorkhaland statehood. He thinks that the growth of his community people is not possible in WB.
Naxal groups in Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, AP, Chattisgarh are planning a united approach to combat the police.
Ratan, a clerk at municipality office of Jabalpur has decided to take out his both sons from convent school and enroll them in a government school where his two daughters study. He can not afford the increased school fee of the convent school.
Gopichandar and his family of 4 arrived to Hyderabad this morning. Looking for daily laborer job. Their farmland in Guntur district in AP has been taken by govt which will be used for an SEZ.
Shobhit, a newly joined SET of Infosys has postponded the plan to buy a bike for now and will go to office by BMTC bus. Reason: Increased fuel price and heavy traffic in Bangalore.
The prime minister of India has won the trust vote in parliament today.
At least somebody is happy in India.
Friday, July 18, 2008
What’s in a name?
The family which has done the greatest good to India is the Nehru-Gandhi family.
What else can be the reason for naming several hundreds of important institutes, airports, hospitals, colleges, roads, govt. programs etc after some member of this family. From Indira Gandhi International airport (Delhi), Rajiv Gandhi International airport (Hyderabad), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Kamla Nehru Road, Jawahar Rojgar yojna………………… and the list goes on and on. Actually it will be hundreds of things for each of the family member. Take Rajiv Gandhi for example:
Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme for the children of working mothers, Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST candidates, Rajiv Gandhi National Awards Scheme for Original Book Writing, Rajiv Gandhi Bharat Samvrudhi Yojana-Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, , Rajiv Gandhi Udayam Mitra Yojana, Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidytikaran Yojana (RGGVY, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Rajiv Gandhi foundation , Rajiv Gandhi shiksha Mission, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, Rajiv Gandhi shelter scheme, Rajiv Gandhi Handicrafts Bhawan, Rajiv Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission, Rajiv Gandhi National Park, Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rozgar Yojna, Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation package for fishermen, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Awards................... to name a few.
Actually as a progressive thinker, I suggest we start naming buildings and institutions on the name of Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi (Vadera) and her children. Ultimately these are the people who will do the utmost service to the nation in future. Right?
Is this Democracy or Monarchy?
What else can be the reason for naming several hundreds of important institutes, airports, hospitals, colleges, roads, govt. programs etc after some member of this family. From Indira Gandhi International airport (Delhi), Rajiv Gandhi International airport (Hyderabad), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Kamla Nehru Road, Jawahar Rojgar yojna………………… and the list goes on and on. Actually it will be hundreds of things for each of the family member. Take Rajiv Gandhi for example:
Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme for the children of working mothers, Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST candidates, Rajiv Gandhi National Awards Scheme for Original Book Writing, Rajiv Gandhi Bharat Samvrudhi Yojana-Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, , Rajiv Gandhi Udayam Mitra Yojana, Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidytikaran Yojana (RGGVY, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Rajiv Gandhi foundation , Rajiv Gandhi shiksha Mission, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, Rajiv Gandhi shelter scheme, Rajiv Gandhi Handicrafts Bhawan, Rajiv Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission, Rajiv Gandhi National Park, Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rozgar Yojna, Rajiv Gandhi Rehabilitation package for fishermen, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Awards................... to name a few.
Actually as a progressive thinker, I suggest we start naming buildings and institutions on the name of Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi (Vadera) and her children. Ultimately these are the people who will do the utmost service to the nation in future. Right?
Is this Democracy or Monarchy?
Thursday, July 10, 2008
According to an estimate (my own estimate by observing the placement statistics at some Indian engineering institutes websites), nearly 65-70 % of all engineering graduates join IT companies. Interestingly, the institutes have only 10-15% seats for computer science/ IT streams. So I was wondering why we teach so many students Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Civil etc subjects when we know they will eventually end up working for some IT company. Why not have 70% seats in the computer science class and the remaining 30% seats shared by other branches?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Singh is King
Dear Dr. Manmohan Singh,
Congratulations for being able to do what you believed was right. Your academic background leaves no doubt that you are an eminent scholar and expectedly you have contributed extremely well as an economist at different national and international positions. But as you yourself admit, you are a politician by accident; I did not have much hope from you as a PM, apart from being free from corruption.
But please accept my hearty congratulations for fighting the lonely battle and at the end convincing your party and allies (barring left) to back you on the Indo-US nuclear deal. I am quite sure that had it been any other Indian politician in your place, s/he could never dare to stake the govt for this (at the time of record inflation and resurrecting opposition). Not that I am happy about the performance of your govt in the last 4 years. I think it was quite pathetic. But this time I am convinced that no one else could have done this. The soft spoken man in turban had the last laugh. I am surprised that media is not highlighting this brave effort of yours. Now, even if your govt falls, you won hearts. Singh is King.
Yours Sincerely,
Sushil Upadhyay
Congratulations for being able to do what you believed was right. Your academic background leaves no doubt that you are an eminent scholar and expectedly you have contributed extremely well as an economist at different national and international positions. But as you yourself admit, you are a politician by accident; I did not have much hope from you as a PM, apart from being free from corruption.
But please accept my hearty congratulations for fighting the lonely battle and at the end convincing your party and allies (barring left) to back you on the Indo-US nuclear deal. I am quite sure that had it been any other Indian politician in your place, s/he could never dare to stake the govt for this (at the time of record inflation and resurrecting opposition). Not that I am happy about the performance of your govt in the last 4 years. I think it was quite pathetic. But this time I am convinced that no one else could have done this. The soft spoken man in turban had the last laugh. I am surprised that media is not highlighting this brave effort of yours. Now, even if your govt falls, you won hearts. Singh is King.
Yours Sincerely,
Sushil Upadhyay
Monday, July 7, 2008
The confession of a finance professional
Check out this article on rediff.com if you have not already. And we thought that one can make money in stock market.....it actually befools many to make fortunes of the very few. And we dream that we will be among those selected few.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Poor tax payer
This is in continuation to the previous post.
This happens only because of the vote bank politics. I understand that the govt. of India has no control over the international crude oil prices, and hence our oil companies are bleeding with loss. So the govt. has a great idea to bail them out. It’s easy, ask the money from the tax payers.
My point is, why don’t stop subsidizing the petrol and diesel? So that everybody pays what s/he uses. But they won’t do that. Particularly in this election year. The easier way out is to enforce extra cess in our annual tax.
But if I use a bike for commute (because of environmental, economic reasons and commute time) why shall I pay extra tax? To give subsidy to a person who is driving a Mercedes Benz or any other high power low mileage vehicle?? Is it justified to tax me in order to provide petrol at subsidized rate to that fat ass. Why not let everybody pay what what s/he uses? Anybody listening?? Perhaps in the election year, the govt. can’t listen. Sad.
This happens only because of the vote bank politics. I understand that the govt. of India has no control over the international crude oil prices, and hence our oil companies are bleeding with loss. So the govt. has a great idea to bail them out. It’s easy, ask the money from the tax payers.
My point is, why don’t stop subsidizing the petrol and diesel? So that everybody pays what s/he uses. But they won’t do that. Particularly in this election year. The easier way out is to enforce extra cess in our annual tax.
But if I use a bike for commute (because of environmental, economic reasons and commute time) why shall I pay extra tax? To give subsidy to a person who is driving a Mercedes Benz or any other high power low mileage vehicle?? Is it justified to tax me in order to provide petrol at subsidized rate to that fat ass. Why not let everybody pay what what s/he uses? Anybody listening?? Perhaps in the election year, the govt. can’t listen. Sad.
Rising fuel price
Here is a great analysis from Mr. Maulik Zaveri, which he posted at timesofindia.com.
From: Maulik Zaveri, Ahmedabad (Mobile:9898002186)
Why Rate per Ltr. of petrol is same for vehicle giving averae of 2,4 or 8 per ltr and 40,60 or 80 per Ltr?
If we take base Rs. 30/- per ltr of petrol and 40 Km. per Ltr. as standard then Vehcile giving average of 2, 4 or 8 Km. per ltr. are consuming 20, 10 or 5 times more that vehicle giving average of 40 per ltr.
So that if price for ltr. of petrol is Rs. 30/- for vehicle giving average of 40 Km. per liter then prices for vehicle giving average of 2, 4 or 8 per lt. will be Rs. 600/- (20*30), Rs. 300/- (10*30) and Rs. 150/- (5*30) per ltr. respectively.
Suppose Mr. X runs car having Avg. of 2Km/Ltr daily for 20 Km., he uses 10 Ltr petrol per day. If we take Rs. 30/- per ltr. of petrol and 40 Km per ltr. as a base his car is using 20 times more petrol than standard so he would be charged Rs. 600/- per ltr. of petrol (20* Rs.30/-). He has to pay Rs. 6000/- per day for use of 10 ltr. petrol in fact he is paying Rs. 300/- only so Rs. 5700/- per day is subsidy to him and for year Rs. 20,80,500/- (Rs. 5700*365. If their are 10000 users of car giving avg. of 2 km/ltr than subsidy to him is 2080,5000000 (Apprx. Rs. 2080/- Crore)!!!!!!.
1)Don't you think that at present governemt is giving subsidy to a purcahse of petrol whose vehicle are giving average of 2, 4 or 8 per Km
ltr. and burden of same is passing on the vehicle owner whose vehicle is giving averae of 40, 60 or 80 per ltr. ?
From: Maulik Zaveri, Ahmedabad (Mobile:9898002186)
Why Rate per Ltr. of petrol is same for vehicle giving averae of 2,4 or 8 per ltr and 40,60 or 80 per Ltr?
If we take base Rs. 30/- per ltr of petrol and 40 Km. per Ltr. as standard then Vehcile giving average of 2, 4 or 8 Km. per ltr. are consuming 20, 10 or 5 times more that vehicle giving average of 40 per ltr.
So that if price for ltr. of petrol is Rs. 30/- for vehicle giving average of 40 Km. per liter then prices for vehicle giving average of 2, 4 or 8 per lt. will be Rs. 600/- (20*30), Rs. 300/- (10*30) and Rs. 150/- (5*30) per ltr. respectively.
Suppose Mr. X runs car having Avg. of 2Km/Ltr daily for 20 Km., he uses 10 Ltr petrol per day. If we take Rs. 30/- per ltr. of petrol and 40 Km per ltr. as a base his car is using 20 times more petrol than standard so he would be charged Rs. 600/- per ltr. of petrol (20* Rs.30/-). He has to pay Rs. 6000/- per day for use of 10 ltr. petrol in fact he is paying Rs. 300/- only so Rs. 5700/- per day is subsidy to him and for year Rs. 20,80,500/- (Rs. 5700*365. If their are 10000 users of car giving avg. of 2 km/ltr than subsidy to him is 2080,5000000 (Apprx. Rs. 2080/- Crore)!!!!!!.
1)Don't you think that at present governemt is giving subsidy to a purcahse of petrol whose vehicle are giving average of 2, 4 or 8 per Km
ltr. and burden of same is passing on the vehicle owner whose vehicle is giving averae of 40, 60 or 80 per ltr. ?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
मिलन - Meeting You
नयन से नयन जब हमारे मिले
मन मधुर राग था गुनगुनाने लगा
रूप देखा तो सूरज जवाँ हो गया
चाँद बादल में चेहरा छिपाने लगा
स्वप्न में जो लिखे थे तुम्हारे लिए
गीत वो फूल बनकर खिलेंगे कभी
प्रेम के चित्र जो कल्पना में बने
रंग तुमसे चुराकर सजेंगे कभी
सेम की बेल जो उस बगीचे में थी
आम के पेड़ से वो लिपट उठ गयी
देख उनका मिलन दॄष्टि हर्षित हुई
स्वप्न तुमसे मिलन का संजोने लगी
अप्रतिम शुभ्र सौन्दर्य की स्वामिनी
प्रेम सागर हृदय में छिपाती हो क्यों
अर्ध मुस्कान पर नेत्र नीचे किये
शर्म में डूबकर मौन रहती हो क्यों
चंचले सुन्दरी कल्पना की परी
गीत के स्वर मेरे यों सम्भल जायेंगे
ग़र बुझा दो मिलन प्यास मधुवर्षिणी
शब्द मेरे मधुर काव्य बन जाएँगे
मन मधुर राग था गुनगुनाने लगा
रूप देखा तो सूरज जवाँ हो गया
चाँद बादल में चेहरा छिपाने लगा
स्वप्न में जो लिखे थे तुम्हारे लिए
गीत वो फूल बनकर खिलेंगे कभी
प्रेम के चित्र जो कल्पना में बने
रंग तुमसे चुराकर सजेंगे कभी
सेम की बेल जो उस बगीचे में थी
आम के पेड़ से वो लिपट उठ गयी
देख उनका मिलन दॄष्टि हर्षित हुई
स्वप्न तुमसे मिलन का संजोने लगी
अप्रतिम शुभ्र सौन्दर्य की स्वामिनी
प्रेम सागर हृदय में छिपाती हो क्यों
अर्ध मुस्कान पर नेत्र नीचे किये
शर्म में डूबकर मौन रहती हो क्यों
चंचले सुन्दरी कल्पना की परी
गीत के स्वर मेरे यों सम्भल जायेंगे
ग़र बुझा दो मिलन प्यास मधुवर्षिणी
शब्द मेरे मधुर काव्य बन जाएँगे
Friday, May 16, 2008
This one's a random mix of thoughts
Pursuing our dreams is the ONLY way to get satisfaction.
On close inspection we observe that the majority of the things we do are a result of circumstances. Just observe how many things you do today because you wanted to do that, and how many of them you strongly wanted to do? For me the count is very less.
The things we want to do can be classified as our dreams. E.g. I wanted to become a journalist, and became an engineer, that’s surrender to the circumstances. Had I chased my dream, perhaps I would have received the Padma Shree along with Barkha Dutt (my favorite), Vinod Dua and Rajdeep Sardesai. (too much, eh?) But chasing the dream requires a lot of energy. As we drag ourselves on the path to our dream the entire universe seem to oppose. And most of the people surrender, some at the beginning, some midway.
I give more weightage to perseverance than to bright ideas. Simple ideas, if persisted, can do wonders. Ideas alone do not give any result. Execution does. Before scratching your head for new avenues for success/satisfaction, just think how many of such ideas are pending in your mind. Each one of them has the potential to give you the desired success.
India does not need any more bright ideas, at least at the moment. What is needed is doing simple things with dedication, till the end. Results will come.
Lord, give me the energy to persevere to fulfill my dreams. Amen.
On close inspection we observe that the majority of the things we do are a result of circumstances. Just observe how many things you do today because you wanted to do that, and how many of them you strongly wanted to do? For me the count is very less.
The things we want to do can be classified as our dreams. E.g. I wanted to become a journalist, and became an engineer, that’s surrender to the circumstances. Had I chased my dream, perhaps I would have received the Padma Shree along with Barkha Dutt (my favorite), Vinod Dua and Rajdeep Sardesai. (too much, eh?) But chasing the dream requires a lot of energy. As we drag ourselves on the path to our dream the entire universe seem to oppose. And most of the people surrender, some at the beginning, some midway.
I give more weightage to perseverance than to bright ideas. Simple ideas, if persisted, can do wonders. Ideas alone do not give any result. Execution does. Before scratching your head for new avenues for success/satisfaction, just think how many of such ideas are pending in your mind. Each one of them has the potential to give you the desired success.
India does not need any more bright ideas, at least at the moment. What is needed is doing simple things with dedication, till the end. Results will come.
Lord, give me the energy to persevere to fulfill my dreams. Amen.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Indian Heroes:
I was just thinking about the journey of independent India so far, I thought of listing (ranking) the few people who have contributed the maximum for the good of our country. And here’s my list. You can share your list/views.
1. Mahatma Gandhi (though he doesn’t have much contribution in the independent India, but surely he was the most prominent reason of the existence of something called “free India”).
2. Prof. M.S. Swaminathan – Father of Indian green revolution whose efforts made India food sufficient.
3. Indian Farmer – Who, despite of all odds, is providing enough food to feed the nation.
4. The first generation of Indian technocrats – who dared to cross the national boundaries and challenged the west with there intelligence.
5. First generation of Indian entrepreneurs e.g. Jamshedji Tata/JRD Tata, G.D. Birla, Dhirubhai Ambani and few others who created such big industrial powerhouses from ZERO that too in the license permit raj.
6. Dr. Manmohan Singh – Who started the economic reforms against all oppositions, which triggered the accelerated GDP growth.
7. Sachin Tendulkar – Who became the world’s best in his chosen sport.
8. Amitabh Bach Chan – Who is an icon in his profession, miles ahead of any competition.
Note for points 7 & 8: Some may feel that entertainment industry is not something which has contributed in our growth, but as it is a multi billion dollar industry, it provides thousands of jobs apart from entertaining us.
9. Baba Ramdev – There has always been many yoga gurus in India, but this man has taken the yoga to the household. Lakhs of people worldwide has cured themselves using yoga and pranayama.
10. Indian Media – Though this is also a product of economic reforms, but the comprehensive (and mostly unbiased) coverage holds a high value to the nation.
Well, there are some well known scientists, the likes of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Vikram Sarabhai and others but there is no way India can be called a leader in this area. There efforts, in my opinion, were too less to be counted at the world stage. That is why there is no scientist in my list.
1. Mahatma Gandhi (though he doesn’t have much contribution in the independent India, but surely he was the most prominent reason of the existence of something called “free India”).
2. Prof. M.S. Swaminathan – Father of Indian green revolution whose efforts made India food sufficient.
3. Indian Farmer – Who, despite of all odds, is providing enough food to feed the nation.
4. The first generation of Indian technocrats – who dared to cross the national boundaries and challenged the west with there intelligence.
5. First generation of Indian entrepreneurs e.g. Jamshedji Tata/JRD Tata, G.D. Birla, Dhirubhai Ambani and few others who created such big industrial powerhouses from ZERO that too in the license permit raj.
6. Dr. Manmohan Singh – Who started the economic reforms against all oppositions, which triggered the accelerated GDP growth.
7. Sachin Tendulkar – Who became the world’s best in his chosen sport.
8. Amitabh Bach Chan – Who is an icon in his profession, miles ahead of any competition.
Note for points 7 & 8: Some may feel that entertainment industry is not something which has contributed in our growth, but as it is a multi billion dollar industry, it provides thousands of jobs apart from entertaining us.
9. Baba Ramdev – There has always been many yoga gurus in India, but this man has taken the yoga to the household. Lakhs of people worldwide has cured themselves using yoga and pranayama.
10. Indian Media – Though this is also a product of economic reforms, but the comprehensive (and mostly unbiased) coverage holds a high value to the nation.
Well, there are some well known scientists, the likes of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Vikram Sarabhai and others but there is no way India can be called a leader in this area. There efforts, in my opinion, were too less to be counted at the world stage. That is why there is no scientist in my list.
Only for you darling
This one is for my lovely wife:
सुबह तुम्हारी मुस्कानों से
सूरज को किरणें मिलती हैं
रात तुम्हारी अलसाई सी
अँगड़ाई से ही होती है
सुन्दरता की परिभाषा भी
देख तुम्हें परिभाषित होती
फूलों की कलियाँ भी तुमको
देख रंग यौवन पाती हैं
इन्द्रधनुष में रंग तुम्हीं से
पंछी की उमंग तुमसे है
झरनों का संगीत तुम्हीं से
फूलों में सुगंध तुमसे है
मेरी आँखों में देखा जो
जीवन का उपहार दिया है
पलक झुकाकर और उठाकर
नयनों ही से बात किया है
नूपुर की इस मधुर ध्वनि में
जीवन का संगीत सुना है
मेरे मन ने तुमको प्रियतम
जीवन भर का मीत चुना है
सुबह तुम्हारी मुस्कानों से
सूरज को किरणें मिलती हैं
रात तुम्हारी अलसाई सी
अँगड़ाई से ही होती है
सुन्दरता की परिभाषा भी
देख तुम्हें परिभाषित होती
फूलों की कलियाँ भी तुमको
देख रंग यौवन पाती हैं
इन्द्रधनुष में रंग तुम्हीं से
पंछी की उमंग तुमसे है
झरनों का संगीत तुम्हीं से
फूलों में सुगंध तुमसे है
मेरी आँखों में देखा जो
जीवन का उपहार दिया है
पलक झुकाकर और उठाकर
नयनों ही से बात किया है
नूपुर की इस मधुर ध्वनि में
जीवन का संगीत सुना है
मेरे मन ने तुमको प्रियतम
जीवन भर का मीत चुना है
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